Whats not lost can't be found.

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As the twins made their way upstairs, noise sounded throughout the house as certain steps that they had long forgotten to avoid creaked. As kids they would play a game, the principal being to make the least noise when walking up the old staircase.

Finally reaching the top they stared down the hallway. Technoblade hung back as he didn't want to search his brothers room however Wilbur showed no remorse while shooting forward and storming down the hall.

Looking down the hallway it was the exact same way as it was when they left. The hardwood of the floor was discoloured and clearly loved as well as a green carpet that lined the hall laying in the centre of it all.
Techno watched as Wilbur came to a stop infront of the red door and that was when he decided to follow.

Tommys bedroom door had been the first thing they had painted when they had moved in. The kid at the time was a brunette but people still claimed he was a ray of sunshine and so he lived up to peoples expectations by being boisterous and lively. Phil had begged him to pick any other colour but the kid didn't budge.

As if the colour wasn't enough Tommy then threw blue letters on top of the wet paint and so his name was slanted and splattered with red paint.

The door swung open. There was now no lock on the youngest door.
To the twins knowledge he never had a lock, he had been ordered to take it off awhile ago after a close call that Mr Sam had attended to.

Two pairs of eyes search around the room as did their hands. Picking up books and dried flowers even a few plants that their brother had adopted.

This wasn't what they expected to find.

It was rather clean. Apart from his clothes from the other day and an unmade bed, but that was normal for a teenage boy. The walls were white, a contrast to the once bright red, there were a few posters on the walls that consisted of bands as well as a few sketches of flowers. A mirror surrounded by fake flowers was also mounted on the wall. It looked amazing.

Wilbur rolled his eyes at this. He wanted to find something incriminating or whatever could be responsible for Tommy's change in tone. In fact he wanted his brother to have some sort of addiction that he could blame anything to take the responsibility away from him.

A pair of vinyls hung from the ceiling and so did some fake leaves.
There wasn't really any evidence to what had changed their brother.

Techno was sat on the bed as he watched his twin dig around in drawers and wardrobe . It was erratic and obsessive behaviour. Personally Techno didn't want to get that involved.

The smell of a certain addiction then filled his nose and he looked over to Wilbur.
He'd not light one inside right?
Wilbur was crouched over a drawer and it's contents held a small ash tray and three packs of cigarettes. A small grin spread across the brunettes face.


Their eyes met for a split second as Wilbur heard the front door open and voices invaid their home. Before Techno could stop him Wilbur grabbed the cigarettes and stormed downstairs.

For a moment he stopped at the top of the stairs. Their house was an open floor layout, both the kitchen and living room being visible from the stairs. Jealousy rose inside of him as combat boots stomped down the stairs as he finally made his way towards the group.

Tommy stood with Karl's arms wrapped happily around him as Dream and Sapnap were getting drinks from the kitchen.

Karl quickly stepped in front of the youngest as the other two rush out of the kitchen in order to get a better grip on what's going on.

"What the fuck are these, Tommy?"
Four pairs of eyes widen as they looked at the three boxes that Wilbur was holding up.
Before Tommy could get a word in Sapnap spoke up "they're mine he was holding them for me."

Wilbur tossed him a dirty look which Sapnap happily threw back at him.
"I asked my brother."
He scoffed as he looked towards the blonde.

Tommy stepped out from behind Karl as he looked Wilbur in the eye. "They're mine and what?"   The twins stood shocked for a moment. They weren't expecting the honesty from their brother. The boy who would lie to his own fault.

It made Techno feel sick again.

"What do you mean and what!?" an ugly feeling  festered inside of Wilbur as he stared the blonde down. Likey he was acting purely on muscle memory he raised his hand and not a moment later it met Tommys cheek, red ran down Tommys cheek as he stared at his older brother.

Red converse squeaked against the wooden floor as he stumbled back clutching at his face. Karl reached out to stabilise the teen as his eyes caught sight of the blood now running down Tommys cheek.

Tears fell from the teens eyes. For the first time in a long time.

Karl grabbed Tommy and tucked the blonde safely in his arms as smalls sobs came from the boy who's face was now buried in a purple sweater. His friend didn't care about the blood that would stain his sweater he only wanted Tommy to be safe.

Dream and Sapnap didn't even think about their next actions.
They just ran for the brunette. Tommy was escorted out of the house and back to the van where everyone was waiting.

After all they only went inside for the toilet and some water.

George grabbed a large sweater that smelled like smoke and beer, he knew it's was Punz's,
and slipped it over Tommys head while he sat down between Quackity and Karl.
Punz ran inside to help the two others and George got out the first aid kit.

Wilbur's ring caught Tommys cheek.
It was bad.

Tommy hissed at the sting of the medical wipes. Once the bleeding had stopped George put a large plaster on it, but he was sure the red mark would turn purple and the wound may scar.

Karl told the two everything and Tommy buried himself further in Karl's arms.

A fist collided with a face. A crunch of a now broken nose could be heard and so could the hiss of pain that came from the brunette. Dream however didn't stop there and he continued to punch Wilbur.

The eldest blonde made sure the marks of red would turn an ugly purple and stick for at least a few weeks or maybe even longer. That was until Sapnap pulled him off the older man and told him that George would leave if they didn't get back to the van in thirty seconds.

Punz stood with the three packets of cigarettes in his hand and a few of Tommys clothes from upstairs.  Sapnap scoffed at the sight of the brunette who was now sat up on the floor.
Dream wiped the blood from his now bruised knuckles.

Technoblade sat at the bottom of the stairs. After all he didn't do anything to Tommy, he wanted to stay out of it all. Wilbur got what he deserved.

The minivan pulled from out the driveway and onto the road. The destination being Tommys Home.

Techno threw a first aid kit at his twin and didn't offer any help as he watched the brunette struggle to wrap himself up.

"So, why the fuck did you hit Tommy?"
Wilbur rolled his eyes as if it was the dumbest question he had ever heard.
"He needed a punishment for smoking. And did you not see his attitude, He was brought up better than that."
Techno was taken aback by the answer. That was not a normal answer.
"Tommys right you're all fucking hypocrites. Like father like son I guess"

Later that night Wilbur hung out of his window to smoke a cigarette

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