Six out of Seven

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Tommy woke up to long arms rapped around him, soft snores came from behind and the slow rise and fall of the others chest could be felt on Tommys back. A beeping could be heard as it rang through the room, Punz's phone was just out of reach however so Tommy laid listening to the alarm.

A hand reached over to tap the phone that was on the table and Tommy tried to wiggle his way out of Punz's grip. He sat up and searched for something to wear. Tommy knew they wouldn't mind.

The room was an organised sort of messy. A desk stood in one corner of his bedroom while the closet stood in the other, getting up he grabbed the first things he saw.

He pulled on some of Punz's jeans on and they fit rather well, then grabbing a t-shirt he pulled it on and headed over to the bed.
"Punz?" he pushed the elder and was met with a grumble of annoyance.
"hey,Punz get up"
Just as Tommy turned to leave a hand grabbed his wrist and yanked him into the blankets.

A shriek came from the blonde as Punz tickled him none stop, the younger kicked his legs and screamed but he couldn't stop laughing. All the efforts he make to get away were pointless as he was pinned down. He thought the torment would never end but just as Punz began to back off the door shot open.

Dream and Sapnap burst into the room. Dream was armed with a baseball bat and Sapnap had Karl clinging to his back.
The door bounced off the wall as it swung back to hit Dream, Tommy laughed harder while Punz put his hands up in the air as if he was surrendering to the police and the three in the doorway stood shocked.

He eventually got up and walked over to them leaving Punz to get dressed. Karl threw a light blue sweater at him, and the other brunette emerged from the kitchen with a pile of toast and a few plates. In reality George was the only reason this house hadn't fallen down yet, he was the saving grace of it all.

Everyone eventually met downstairs and Quackity looked like he wanted to watch the world burn but instead he opted to wrap his arms around Tommy and call it a day. They weren't even in the van yet.

For once the van ride was quite and the windows were rolled down. Karl was playing some indie music through the speakers he said it was by 'the backseat lovers'.Tommy had no clue who they were.

Trees flashed by and the van followed the bumps in the road, Sapnap and Dream were talking about something and Quackity hadnt let go of him yet. Karl and George sat in the front like they always do.

School went by quite quick. Tommy had Biology then english literature, they dragged on too long but eventually break rolled around and he went to find his friends. He found George first who was with Quackity and they sat in the field.

The brunette reached for the youngest face again and peeled off the bandage. It didn't need replaced again it healed just fine and was a scab Quackity watched as George took the bandage and folded it to stop the blood from touching anything but then his gaze went to Tommy.

His face now held a big purple mark on his cheek, a scab that used to be a bright red line still sat upon it. It hurt to look at, he couldn't imagine how it felt. Everyone else arrived later and they all ate, some of their gazes lingered on their youngest face for too long but he knew it was because they cared.

He couldn't begin to imagine what Wilbur looked like.

A football was then thrown his way, he dodged Punz as he spun to his right throwing the ball to Dream who ran up to a tree he had claimed as a goal post and slammed it down. Sapnap cheered while Quackity collapsed to the floor with a cry.

The rest of the day went by rather fast, all of them were walking out of the school. The entire group stuck to the left exit as they jumped down the stairs. As Quackity and Tommy joked as they climbed into the van, someone shouted and they saw the flash of red and blue at the front gates. Dream stopped as he looked at the police cars.

The young blonde head snapped towards the voice and he saw Wilbur running towards him.
Tommy hid behind Dream but was pulled away by police officers.

"Thomas Watson. I'm officer Jackson and you need to return home. Running from home is a crime and could lead to time in Juvenile detention."
Tommy looked at his friends.
"You'll be let off with a warning if you return home."

It wasn't a worried look. Bright blue eyes now held a much more apologetic one, he couldn't say he was sorry and he couldn't say goodbye. Tommy wasn't sure when he would next be allowed out of the house.

Wilbur had planned everything out, the youngest knew that.
Tommy nodded at the police officers and followed them to Phil's car.

They watched as Wilbur grabbed Tommy he pulled the blonde closer to his chest.
A hug is what it was meant to look like but his grip was too tight and his nails were clawing at the blue sweater.

The red and blue lights stopped flashing as one of the police cars drove away and the two brothers continued to walk towards their father and their brother.

Tommy spared one more glance towards his friends as his head was pushed into the back of Phil's car. Technoblade got in shortly after the blonde and closed the door behind him.

The van stayed in park but no matter how much they wanted to they couldn't do anything. The police were still stood watching the group as if they were trying to get the group to act out, they wanted them to slip up. A car pulled out of the parking lot and the police followed not long after.

Six people got into the van. Their seventh member missing.

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