Smoke filled skies.

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Moonlight broke its way into the soundless living room. All previous conversations and jokes had stopped a while ago and the moon was dancing with the clouds in the sky.

Gentle snores made their way through the air and so did a particular blonde. In his quest to find the back door he stumbled a few times, finally his hand met the lukewarm door handle.
Feet hit the concrete floor making a subtle noise not like it mattered since everyone was fast asleep and wouldn't really care.

Tommy then opened his mouth only to close it again but this time to hold a cigarette between his lips. Heat suddenly lit up in front of his face as his lighter caught onto the end of his cigarette and he watched as the same flame distinguished without a second thought.

Red embers fell as smoke joined the dance between the moon and the clouds in the sky. Blonde hair slightly swaying along with the wind as goosebumps creeped up his arm.
Tommys head filled with cotton the blonde only wondered what would have happened if Technoblade and Wilbur didn't leave so quickly.

Would his dad still be an alcoholic, Phil was happier when the twins were home but Tommys not too sure they could handle it. Handle his brothers and their obnoxious traits or their constant yelling.

In his opinion it was too much to think about. He went back to watching the smoke twirl and swim through the cold and unforgiving night air. Ash fell onto the floor as his cigarette was coming to an end.

Just then the door opened and there stood Sapnap.
His long black hair swayed slightly as he made his way over to where the teen was sitting. Sapnaps feet making the same pitter patter as Tommy's did.

He looked at the smaller before finally speaking.

"you're still up?"
Tommy just stared at the eldest for a while as if he had just asked him what the digits of pie were before rolling his eyes at the question.
"No Sapnap I'm asleep."

The other only laughed and shook his head.
"oh, sorry I guess i'm sleep walking again.",
the joke sent Tommy into a quiet chuckle.

"That's terrible! let's get you back to your room you poor old man"
He wheezed as the cigarette bud dropped out of his hand and onto the floor. The last flicker of light dying out as Sapnap raged


They sat in silence for a second too long before the conversation continued on, random topics were spoken about and jokes were thrown at each other. "You're alright, right?"
Tommys eyes trailed away from Sapnap, he knew that the question was because of the phone call.

"I'm good."
He said it with a smile just like he did earlier. Sapnap slung his arm around Tommy as the two sat closer together talking about anything yet nothing at all. It got too cold as the night got later and Tommy stood up only for Sapnap to do the same.

They both made their way into the house, the eldest lingering in the kitchen to make a drink but the youngest quickly made his way towards the two sleeping brunettes who were glowing in the moonlight. His place between the two still there waiting for him.

He slid between the two as if he had done it a thousand times before and fell into a deep sleep.
A smile spread onto Sapnaps face as he walked into the living room and his eyes layed upon the newest member of his family.

He too got into his own spot and fell asleep as soon as his head his the pillow.

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