Objection, relevance?

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Monitors continued to beep as Tommy was caught up on everything. The needle in his arm was growing more and more uncomfortable as he became aware of it. According to Quackity his family are in holding cells.

Blue eyes blinked at the statement. It was an odd thing to hear, Tommy wasn't sure how to feel. That was his family. The people he grew up with, his brothers who played with him in the yard and his father who taught him how to ride a bike.

They saw his first steps, heard his first words. An ugly feeling sat in his gut as the beanie wearing man rambled about the laws and the amount of time they would get in prison.

"Big Q?" The blonde cut the man off, effectively ending his rambling. "Yeah kid?"
Dreams hand tightened around his as Tommy grew nervous, "the police are here.. to speak to me, Sally told me earlier." A few of them were caught off guard by the statement.

None of them have had pleasant encounters with the law. Being teenagers or even young adults in this political climate was not ideal, if you're stood outside a store the police are called due to 'antisocial behaviour'. It's the way the world works.

"Do you want to speak to them?" Quackitys words were soft and filled with all the kindness in the world. Tommy shrugged his shoulders in response because he didn't know what he'd say.
"They'll be asking for a statement." blonde hair fell to the right side of his face as he tilted his head slightly.

"They want to know what happened." Karl explained. He was still wearing the purple jumper. It was clean now, no stain in sight.
"I can do that. I think"

Quackity nodded as he got up and left. The door closed heavily behind him. It reminded Tommy of Sally. He had told his friends about her and how she was nice to him, they joked that he had a crush with he heavily denied and called them gross for even suggesting that.

The room was quiet, the beeping had now become white noise as they all grew accustom to it. Tension grew as they weighted for their friends return. None of them liked the thought of the police. Dreams hand still sat in Tommys and the rest of them were sat around the room. They'll always be there from now on.

Yellow light bleeds into the white room and a uniformed police officer walked in. A very familiar police officer. His shoes were black and shiny, name and badge the exact same as a few days ago.

"Thomas Watson?"

Pink cheeks paled as he stared into the eyes of the officer. Everyone in the room cringed at the sight of him. Police were there to make people safe, they are supposed to be members of the society that you can turn to when you need help. No one felt like that anymore.

"Office Jackson."

He turned his head to look at the teen, his face falling immediately. The sight of Tommy was not a pretty one, not that it was necessarily ugly just ripped apart.

His eyes were blackened and his nose had been crushed under the weight of Wilbur's fist. Arms littered with bruises and cuts. It was a sour sight.

"uhm..I have to ask you a few questions."
Dream scoffed at the man. All of them had a distaste for him, for the man who had ripped Tommy away from them.

If looks could kill the man would be six feet under. "ask away." He readjusted himself in the bed, his hand tangled into the wires as he dead eyes the officer.

"How long had Wilbur S. Watson been abusing you?" The man's voice was cold and unforgiving.

Shallowing a lump in his throat that he didn't know that he had Tommy stared him in the eyes. Squeezing Dreams hand he began
"As long as I can remember. If you want an age i'd say about seven"
The sound of pen on paper was the only thing filling the silence.

"You let me go back to them." A pause allowed the man to look up at the teen. "Actually you forced me back into their arms."
Dream squeezed back. Punz shifted on his feet and everyone else let the man know how unwelcome he was here.

"You have more questions right?" He is walking a thin line, pushing the officer to see how far he would bend.
"Uh yeah I do, How often was Phil Watson home? Your father that is."
George stiffened behind the officer and if Tommy wasn't looking towards him for comfort he wouldn't have noticed.

The look in the brunettes eye wasn't a comforting one. It was intimidating and aimed at anyone who wasn't his family. Tommy understood that but his mind didn't get the message.

His heart sped up and he couldn't concentrate, no words formed in his mouth. Tommys throat burned and his eyes watered. "He.. I'm sorry he drank or uhm drinks so he was either at work or at the bar." Sapnap looked at Dream both of them now understanding.

'"Works at a Bar."
Punz turns towards Quackity
"which one?"
"uhh Royals"'
A conversation none of them had understood now became rather clear.

Tommy blinked his tears away "He wasn't home a lot. He only slept there."
The police officer scribbled the statement down as Karl made his way towards Tommy.
A new weight being added to the bed as he sat down and put his hand on Tommys knee.

A few more questions were asked and some answers were given. By the end on it all Tommys throat felt close to closing and he hand no idea how he was still breathing. Karl drew circles on Tommys leg and Punz and Sapnap stood not too far away, both their arms were crossed.

Dream still stayed by his side. George and Quackity stood on the left side of the bed, the black haired man mentally took notes incase any of the statement were twisted or the questions were unnecessary.

"One last question if that's okay?"
Blue eyes locked onto brown eyes. Officer Jackson was old. Not prehistorily so but old enough to have grey strands of hair and wrinkles around his eyes.
Tommy nodded.

"Did you ever provoke any member of your family? As in did you act out for example take any drugs?"
Tommy scoffed. Hand gripping onto Dreams.
His eyebrows narrowed as he grew upset.

"That's irrelevant." Quackity stepped infront of the officer. "Even if he did smoke or drink, took or takes any drugs at all it did not warrant this level of abuse." His arms cross over his chest and his chin held high. Sapnap and Punz creeped closer. "Wouldn't hold up in court is what I'm saying."

Tommy stared amazed at his friend. Quackity only continued, "If that was your last question you can leave now. I suggest you do before I file a complaint." Punz opened the door and Sapnap slung his arms round Quackity. A heavy glare pointed at the officer.

Officer Jackson took the hint and waddled out of the room.

The teen was released from the hospital later that day. His arm wrapped in a pink cast which is soon to be covered in markers. He was told to take it steady so that his rips could heal.

'Married life' played in the living room of their home as 'Up' was broadcasted on the TV, Karl had ranted about his DVD collection and Tommy was beyond ecstatic to see Up in his collection.

Seven people huddled together, surrounded by the cream walls of the house. Their only source of light being a lamp on the coffee table and the blue light of the TV.

Pizza boxes could be cleaned in the morning.

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