You really mean it?

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Winter in America had always been different to the chill of England. When Tommy had first moved there it had been a shock to his system, the heat of the suburbs had been all too much and he had been put on bed rest for weeks.

It was the opposite in the winter. Snow was soft yet sat thick on the ground, he had been told that Florida rarely got snow and when it did it was special. "A white Christmas" is what they called it.

Karl bounced around the house, the smell of sugar cookies was fresh in the air and Tommy stared at the icing that was smeared over the counters. Some of it had been caked in Dreams hair and Tommy only mourned the curls.

Christmas songs were playing through the speakers that were scatter around the house and Tommy swore he had heard 'All I want for Christmas." over a thousand times now. It was Punzs favourite.

"Tommy! Come one let's decorate the tree!"
His feet moved before his mouth did and he was running after Karl and Quackity.
Looking back on it now Tommy hadn't celebrated the holiday in years, the sight of the tree allowed a feeling to blossom. A feeling he didn't know he had.

He wasn't all too sure when he started classing his friends as family. Maybe it was during court when they were all present with their big smiles and reassuring nods. Or the time they allowed him to stay over, no questions asked, just accepting who he is.

Red sat in his hands, it was fragile and breakable. Karl moved his hands away from Tommys as he had given him the ornament. Exclaiming that he is allowed to put it anywhere. Teeth shone through as he smiled, it was a big and toothy grin. One that cannot be faked.

Slightly pink skin met the pine of the evergreen and the red left his hands as it clung to the tree. Blue eyes watched as it dangled, the fairy lights hitting it in a beautiful way.

"Woo! Christmas!"
A Santa hat was shoved down onto blonde curls and Tommy laughed harder than he ever had.

Mariah still sang about her love for the white and red man as more decorations made their way onto the tree and the boys decorating it. Tinsel littered the floor while it somehow stuck to the tree as well as the glitter that covered every surface imaginable.

Dreams wet hair dripped onto the floor, the blue dye from the icing still very evident. Sapnap only pointed and cackled, moments later a reindeer was flying at him. Punz dragged George around, sweeping the eldest off his feet as he failed to get him to dance.

It reminded Tommy of a cat. When their paws would be held and moved yet their face stern and body slack.

Quackity and Karl were still throwing things at the tree. The green being lost under all the sparkles and strange ornaments, a fire engine hung to the tree as well as a Bob Marley figure. He would kill to know the story behind each and everyone of them.

Later in the evening Quackity cooked claiming he would make the best dish they had ever tasted. Everyone but Tommy groaned in protest and the blonde wasn't too sure he was ready for what's to come.

McDonald's chicken nuggets were passed to him in the back of the van, his fries following not a moment later. The kitchen now had one less pan and the house was left with one less towel, both laying charred in the bottom of a trash can.

"Listen man, it was the pans i'm telling you!" His hands were thrown up in the air as George narrowly avoided getting hit. Quackity received the dirtiest look known to man, it was scary. Tommys glad the man missed it.

"You've said that the last five times you have make your 'super amazing dish'" The whine left Sapnaps mouth as he expressed his opinion. Quackity wasn't too pleased at the blatant disrespect, throwing a pickle at his offender.

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