Drunken Conversations

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Eventually everyone had to go home and since Karl was the only one suitable to drive he was on drop off duty. Dream was somehow in charge of the music which resulted in "dancing queen" blasting out of the car speakers as air pushed its way through the open window.

Everyone but George and Karl screamed the lyrics and passed drinks back-and-forth.

It only took half an hour to get to Tommys house but if you asked the blond he would shake his head and tell you it was about two minutes.

Everyone waved the blonde off as he stumbled up towards his front door, he only turned around once he reached the door. "See you all at school!" he couldn't hear a single clear response but he saw Karl and George's fond smiles along with Dream, Sapnap and Quackity yelling and laughing in the back of the beaten minivan.

A heavy black door swung open and he was met with all too familiar voices. He made his way through the hallway which was still lined with childhood photos, they all made Tommy sick to his stomach. The blonde made sure to not make a single sound .

That didn't matter much when he walked directly into Technoblade.
"s'fuckin' watch it'"

Techno looked down at the teen, he watched him for a moment and recognised so many small changes. He was obviously taller, but he had a small almost faded streak of red in his hair not to mention his natural hair colour peaking out at the roots.

His little brothers nails were now painted and his ears and nose pierced with golden jewellery. How did he not notice his septum earlier?
But most of all. He was so obviously drunk. His eyes were rubbed red as if he had been smoking and he looked to be in a distant state.

"Phil, Will"

The two of them come rushing in, Tommy was surprised to see Phil move so fast in all honesty. Once they both took a look at they two standing in front of them it was clear as to why Techno had called them in.

"Tommy are you drunk?"

The blond threw his arms up in the air only for them to fall back down to his side,
"No! what the hell"
they all looked unconvinced but who was he to care. It's not like he was trying to be convincing.

"what the fuck, why are you drunk?"
The blond stood and stared for a moment too long and before he got to answer another voice cut in again.

"And do you smell smoke!?"
This is just what Tommy needed, to walk into this house and deal with everyone else's bullshit.
Just as his mouth opened he was cut off again,
"Where have you even been Toms?"


He has no right to call him that.
"i'm not fuckin' drunk" his words were slow and slurred which did not help him what so ever but he continued on.
"Even if I was s'not the first time" two heads turned towards a shocked looking Phil.
"What do you mean?"

The youngest rolled his eyes at his dads question."You're a hypocrite you are" Techno laughed and Wilbur stood with his mouth agape.

Tommy turned to leave for his room but stopped as if he was processing something. "Also. What give you the right to be concerned?" His black finger mail dug into his brothers chest, blue eyes locked onto brown as Wilbur struggled for words.

"You've been gone for years and now you want to care?" The words were spat in his face and both of the twins grimaced at the sentence, they knew he wouldn't remember this in the morning and so Techno let it happen.
Finally he turned and continued his way up to his room.

Wilbur came sprinting after Tommy which then made Techno follow the two of them.
"Tommy you can't walk away from this!"
they made it to his bedroom and the three brothers stood in the hallway.

Now it was Wilbur's turn to realise how much his little baby brother had really changed.
He however noticed the things Techno had straight away but now he looked at the small scars on his hands and the one on his nose. He also saw the sorry look in Tommys eyes turn into a hateful glare. This wasn't his baby brother.

"what the fuck, i jus' wanna go bed"
The eldest who no longer towered over the younger narrowed their eyes. "What did you mean by "it's not the first time"?"

Tommy rolled his eyes. Nothing he said sunk in, he's not sure that Wilbur hear it at all.

"You've been gone for three and a half years, s'fuckin long time" He then paused as if he was thinking about his next words carefully even though he was so very drunk.
"an' have you seen dad?"

The twins fell silent and they watched Tommy stumble his way into his bedroom that looked so very empty, Tommys motions were painfully practiced as if he had done it half a million times.

He woke up the next day to the smell of breakfast. His head hurt like hell but he was okay with that, it brought a weird sense of comfort.

Tommy can't really remember anything from last night. It's all a blur of brown, green and pink but he can remember the smiling faces of all his friends and Karl and George's warm goodbyes. He needed some pain killers.
Drinking on a school night was not the best idea, blond hair was fluffed by a scarred hand as Tommy rolled his way out off bed.

Socked feet made their way towards the closet and a soft purple t-shirt was pulled on as well as a pair of blue jeans. He would grab a jacket later.

A buzz then rang throughout the small box which was his room.
On our way to pick u up! :]
If Tommy said he wasn't smiling at his phone he would be lying. Searching for his black jeans that he wore yesterday he stumbles upon his school bag which get picked up for later. After a while he found his old jeans taking out yesterdays contents only to put them in todays pockets.

A beep was heard outside and he ran down the old wooden stairs of the oddly loud house only to be stopped by the one and only Wilbur who cornered the youngest as he pulled his shoes on.

"Are we going to talk about yesterday?"
Blue eyes were rolled dramatically as brown ones narrowed.
Why should he talk to Wilbur?
He slipped his red converse on only to hear a knock on the door.Wilbur answered it before Tommy could tell him not to.

"Tommy! how are you?"
There in all their glory stood Dream and Sapnap. Wilbur coughed and they quickly realised that this wasn't the small blonde they all love.

what the fuck is some homeless guy doing in Tommys house?

Dream was about to punch the man before Tommy burst out the door and dove straight into his chest.
Small but lanky arms rapped around his torso and squeeze the life out of Dream only for Sapnap to steal the blonde boy away for his own hug. Tommy then ran to the minivan as the others followed.

Wilbur stood in the doorway questioning why his brother would hug them and not him.

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