Answer the phone

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Wilbur's grip never faultered it only tightened and Tommy was sure that there would be tiny purple prints in his wake.
Once they got out of the car and into their house there was a moment of silence.

Tommy always resented the term 'calm before the storm' it was inaccurate and overused.

Wilbur however was the storm, in every situation he was waiting to lash out, he wanted it to all be about him.

"so they're your new brothers?"
Tommy opened his mouth to speak but was quickly shush. Techno and Phil left the room, leaving him alone with his abuser. He stared at them as they left. Their footsteps quiet and quick, they both avoided his gaze with their heads staring at the ground.

"Are they better than me? What's their names?." there was a long pause and at some point Wilbur had started to walk towards Tommy. "Come on Toms, don't be silly they aren't even related to you."

When they were younger Wilbur was so proud at the fact that he had a baby brother just like him. Their only difference being their eyes. Both brunettes, taking after their mother.

Tommy cut his hair and dyed it blonde when Wilbur left. Not even a month after the twins departure he was in the bathroom and his hair was on the floor and he had a lopsided dye job. The colour had came out more orange than blonde.

Words tumbled off of the silver tongue all of them blurred into one singular word. "My...My...My.." was he Wilbur's? Surely not, Right?
Tommy wanted to go home. That's all he wants right now, a part of him argues that he is home this has been his home for a little over ten years.

So why did it not feel like home?

A stinging pain then made itself apparent on his face as he snaps back into reality. The floor was cold under his hands, the wooden floor boards were washed recently but we're still so worn. Wilbur had hit him. There was no blood this time, that made things a lot easier. His back hurt however and his hands definitely hit the ground to hard while he was trying to support his weight

"Why did you come back?"

Wilbur looked down to see his baby brother.
The right side of his face now had an obvious red mark and the other carried a cut, both a result of his actions. Bright blue eyes were welling with tears, they threatened to tip over the edge as his lip trembled.

He came back for Tommy. To make him happy he loved his baby brother. Tommy was his.

Tommy looked up to see his older brother, or who should've been his older brother. They looked like the same person and Tommy wishes that he matured while he was in college but he stayed the same.

His left eye had a dark purple circle around it which mixed with little patches of yellow, his lip was also spilt a nasty gash painted already chapped lips. It was ugly.
Sharp brown eyes were scowling at him and it looked like Wilbur was ready to hit him at any given moment. Wilbur left him when he was thirteen. He left for college. He came back and ruined everything. Wilbur didn't own him.

"Just go back to college!"
Tommys tears fell, Wilbur froze and Techno and Phil watched from their place in the doorway. The two of them having made their way in when they heard the crash from Tommys fall.

He stood there with his arms crossed for awhile and Tommy sat on the floor, it was involuntary sure but Wilbur always had to be just that much taller than him. The teen watch as his chest rose and fell in such a calm manner wishing that his would do the same. Tommy couldn't breathe when Wilbur was around. It's like he's drowning, Tommy needs help.

Why is he allowed to be angry about it? What's so special about him?

No one spoke a word. Tommy stared at them. "who do you think you are?"
The air felt a lot more tense, it allowed the words to float around in their heads for a bit. "What do you mean Tommy?" The boy in question stood up. His chest heaving and tears rolling down his cheek, the once healed cut now an opened wound again.

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