004. The Movements of a Dragon

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Naenya had been young and foolish when she first claimed her dragon. The egg that had been given to her as a babe had never hatched, leaving the eldest daughter of the King as much of a Targaryen as her mother was. Young Naenya had always been rather attentive, noticing the way people treated her baby sister, the soon-to-be dragon rider, in comparison to her, the dragonless babe. It was when the girl was a mere five years old that she realised what was occurring around her, and at the age of six, she decided to do something about it. 

Her mother had taken the two girls to Dragonstone, where her uncle Daemon resided, while their father visited the Velaryons on important business about the stepstones. Aemma, pregnant with another child that was never to be born, was too tired to keep up with the energetic girls and so asked Daemon to look after them as she rested. Daemon, a man who only respected the power of the dragon, placed all his attention on the toddler Rhaenyra and the small dragon she had with her and left Naenya to herself. 

The young princess had wandered out of the castle and onto the moors of Dragonstone with a single guard's notice. After all, who would care about a Targaryen that didn't have a dragon? Her short, stubby legs had moved her toward the less travelled areas of Dragonstone. The areas that held the wild, untamable dragons. She had seen Grey Ghost first, giggling at its silver colouring. She had gotten close to it before the dragon noticed the young princess and promptly took flight to get as far from any human as possible. 

The young princess had pouted, watching the dragon disappear among the clouds, much like the ghosts it was named after. Young Naenya was unwavering, though, continuing her search for more dragons to befriend. 

After a while of walking, her bare feet becoming increasingly muddied after her decision to walk off the paths and search elsewhere, she came face-to-face with a new dragon. 

Cannibal lay before her, fast asleep. The dragon was of magnificent size, but it was his colour that made the girl starry-eyed. He was black as coal, not a single mark of colour on him. Had Naenya walked the area at nighttime, she was sure she wouldn't have seen the large dragon. While Naenya had always been a girl who enjoyed bright and vibrant colours, she couldn't help but be amazed by the pure abyss of the dragon in front of her. She'd never seen such a dark colour before, never worn anything close to darkened versions of the vibrant colours she was so used to, yet this dragon wore them perfectly. As though nothing else would be able to suit him. 

The girl, overcome with awe at the dragon, walked closer to the dragon. A single menacing green eye flew open as the girl placed her hand on one of the dragon's claws. 

Cannibal was one of three wild dragons that found a home in Dragonstone. Had it not been for the Cannibal's preference for food, there may well have been many more dragons. Cannibal, having been around since Balerion the black dread himself, had never been claimed by a dragon rider. The world-eater had quickly devoured every Targaryen foolish enough to try. 

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