016. The Passing Of Time

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The loud cheers rose around the young couple, escaping into the air of the woods around them. The heir to the throne had arrived before her family and King, though such a sight was far more common now that she held a babe to her breast. 

"I cannot imagine a worse thing," Elden whispered into her ear, holding their daughter in his arms, "Going out hunting with a bunch of old guys? They're more likely to kill themselves by tripping over a tree branch than kill a deer,"

Naenya glanced down at the ground, hiding her smile from the crowds around her, before looking back up with a jovial look for the onlookers, "Never got taught manners, did you?"

"Never heard of them. Is that some new dessert the cooks have made?" 

Naenya shook her head as Elden darted towards her cheek to place a teasing kiss upon it. Naenya laughed, bumping him with her shoulder. 

"I'm holding our son. I cannot hit you," Naenya complained with a smile, "Don't make me throw Maegor at you,"

"Please, I can carry two children at one time," Elden boasted, glancing down at the sleeping Vanya on his chest, "Even when one is being hurled at me,"

Naenya had originally been apprehensive about bringing their twins to her brother's second birthday, the two being just short of a year old, but Viserys pressed them to bring the children. In the year or so that Naenya had returned from her journey around Westeros, Viserys had become much more interested in cultivating a family that spent time together. And while Naenya could say no to almost anyone, she found herself unable to refuse a King. Especially when that King just wanted to see his grandchildren. 

"Hmm, well, you can always pretend to be sick, and we can-  why hello, Lady Ceira, how are you fairing today?" Naenya straightened her back, knowing Lady Ceira was always harsh about minor details. 

Lady Ceira, a woman whose face had never known the delight of smiling, stared at the two with what could almost be described as a mixture between amusement and judgement. Though Naenya was sure she was mistaken, while Lady Ceira was most definitely a judgmental woman, she was not one that laughed. 

"I'm fairing rather poorly," Lady Ceira frowned, escorting the two to their tents, "It's far too hot for me to be celebrating a child's birthday. What do they think I am? Some lively young maiden with a tenderness for babies? Ha, my childbearing days are long behind me,"

"Oh, I'm sure they all know that much," Elden quipped, straightening up once Naenya elbowed him, "Erm, sorry, I meant I'm sure they know this is strenuous for you and take note of your efforts,"

Lady Ceira let out a scoff but didn't give the two a second glance as she led them into their tent. 

The tent was already well laid out. Two cribs almost identical to the ones at Kings Landing were stationed right beside their bed, with plenty of food and drinks on the surrounding tables. While it didn't give the impression of a group of people that had to camp in the woods for a hunt, it was far less extreme in its attempt to be a makeshift room one could find at the Keep. However, as Naenya glanced at Elden, she could tell her husband was less than impressed by the frivolity of it. 

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