023. A sweet return

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The news of their coming return had swept through the Red Keep like wildfire. Three Targaryen children are thrown across the known world, like pieces of chess thrown across the board, every two or so years. Of course, their placement on the board was not random. The chess pieces they took up were carefully placed across the map of Westeros found in Naenya's room. 

Many Lords and Ladies whispered that Princess Naenya didn't seem to care for her children above what they could do for her, a nasty portrayal that Naenya herself had begun in hopes of her enemies leaving her children alone. 

Of course, the manner in which Princess Naenya bounded down the steps and towards the returning carriages showed a clear level of adoration that few could miss. 

Vanya Targaryen, the eldest and potential heir to the Iron Throne, was as silent and ever-watching as she had been as a babe. It was more than common to see Vanya haunt the halls of the Red Keep with a timeless frown that seemed to portray some sort of sorrow within the girl. Silent as a mouse, the Lords and Ladies were too late to notice Vanya listening to their idle gossip until they let slip pieces of information that betrayed their, or those they were speaking of, true feelings and intentions. The doleful-looking princess had been sent to Winterfell, to Castery Rock and High Garden. This time, Vanya was returning from the Vale. 

Maegor Targaryen, a wild and boisterous child, seemed to have taken all the emotions for himself when sharing the womb with his twin sister. Everyone knew when Maegor was coming, being able to hear his voice boom from across the Red Keep at a volume that made some mistake him for being in the room beside them. Having gained his father's dark hair and smile, he also seemed to gain an innate amount of charisma that allowed the boy to get away with almost everything. Despite lacking a dragon, Maegor exemplified the nature of a true Targaryen warrior, showing an almost cruel natural ability for the sword that would have sent fear into Lords and Ladies had he not been a child. The boy had previously been sent to Winterfell, the Wall and Riverrun. For unknown reasons, he had been sent back to Winterfell. 

Rhaenya Targaryen was the more unknown of the three children. Being only six years old she had yet to leave as much of an impression on the Lords and Ladies of the Red Keep as her older siblings. She seemed to have an old mind, being wise in ways that seemed rare among those containing the wild and unpredictable blood of the dragon. Being her first time away from home without any company, she had been sent to Riverrun with Princess Naenya's personal guard. 

"There's only two?" Naenya questioned, meeting Elden Baratheon at the gate.

"Maegor left Winterfell early and headed to Riverrun to accompany Rhaenya home," Elden said, passing their newest addition to their family over to her, "Perhaps Rhaenya was too young to be sent away,"

"I was fearful of the same. That's why I sent her to Riverrun. I would trust Jeyne with Daemon here," Naenya said, smiling down at the young babe, "Maegor and Vanya went abroad a year before Rhaenya did,"

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