024. Dealing with Old Lovers

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Enya was not entirely proud of some of her actions in the past. Especially concerning her actions towards children who had no decision over their own birth. 

She remembered combing Jacaery's hair when he was especially young, twisting and twirling it into tiny little braids. For anyone looking in, it appeared that Enya was a caring aunt. Realistically, she combed the dark-haired boy for any sliver root, a singular highlight or strand. Anything useful to fight against the allegations that acted to tarnish her own reputation. When Lucerys was born, she often took the two out to the harbour and played in the sand for hours, hoping the boy's hair would lighten naturally in the sun. 

She was not proud that she harboured resentment for mere babes for a few days after their births. Jacaerys, Lucerys, and now, she assumes, Joffrey had nothing to do with their births.  They were still Targaryens by blood right and were children of pure good. A Targaryen birthed them, and the two eldest held dragons to their name, more than Enya could say for her eldest children. They were true Targaryens, as much as Alicent Hightower's children and Enya's children, and they were much sweeter than most of the Targaryen young. Enya should be proud to have such respectful and charming children on her side, not spiteful that they didn't have a specific hair colour. 

If Enya should have been mad at anyone, it should have been Rhaenyra Targaryen. She was given a good husband, and all Rhaenyra had to do was fall in love with a man who resembled Laenor's appearance. At least then, rumours would have been weaker throughout the Red Keep. Still, she adored her sister above most else. Family stood above all else for Enya, it was a weakness her own blood seemed to utilise more than her enemies. 

It was not difficult to find Rhaenyra. She simply followed the trail of blood that servants were cleaning. It had not been cleaned fast enough for Enya to decipher exactly what had happened to her sister. It had been weak of Enya, to give her sister time to herself after her birth. The princess should have known Alicent Hightower would not offer such niceties before the battle began, Enya should have been there even while Rhaenyra was giving birth. 

"And why did you not call me?" 

Enya's voice was soft but incredulous, not wishing to disturb the babe in Rhaenyra's arms, as the doors swung shut behind her.  

"I need to fight my own battles, sister. You told me that!" Rhaenyra rebutted, her fire not having been damped by birth, "I cannot call upon my sister to save me every time Alicent does something!"

Enya shook her head, stepping further into the room. Three maids were attending to her, but Enya didn't dismiss them. It was worth Rhaenyra having the extra support even if it risked Alicent Hightower being given information about their private conversations. 

"She disrespected you, she disrespected us,"

"I dealt with it,"

"You didn't have to, not alone anyways,"

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