Chapter 08: Eye of the Hurricane

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The next week:

"Yeah I'm getting ready to go to the doctors now." I say down my phone as I press speaker and place it on my bedside table before looking for an outfit.

"How is your Prince Charming? Dreamy? Dashingly handsome? The man of your dreams?" Phoebe jokes and I hear her cackling out loud to her self.

I cross my eyes and huff in mock anger "shut up."

"Oh come on he must be at least a little hot."

I sigh in defeat, "maybe just a little bit."

I can feel her disbelief in my answer radiate from the phone from my position across my bedroom as I pick out an outfit opting for something casual.

I make my way over to the phone, picking it up.

"I got to go or I will be late. Love you Bea."

"I love u too Blearbear." She replied hanging up.

I look at the time on phone. I'm late. Shit.

At the doctors (Dimitri's POV):

"She's late" I mutter to Adrian, my good friend and a doctor that works for me at the local clinic.

"It's fine, I'm excited that I finally get to meet the women that is apparently perfect enough to give birth to your heir." He chuckles to himself. "Plus I heard she gorgeous."

My head whips from the clinic door to him. "From who?"

He smiles at me nervously "nobody." I glare at him. "Just one of your men." He finally says, giving in.

Before I can make a mental note to investigate who said it, the doors bang open and a disheveled, sweaty and tired looking Blair runs in and over to us. When she stops in front of us she's breathing very heavily.

"What happened to you?" Adrian says laugher seeping through his voice.

"I was late so I ran" she pants between breaths, "I'm not too late am I?"

I look over at her in what I hope is a reassuring and relaxed smile, "It's fine."

She looks over at me and she stares into my eyes and for a moment time stops and all I can admire are her beautiful blue eyes. They had little specks of grey in them, they reminded me of a stormy ocean or a hurricane. I was mesmerised.

"Anyways, I hate to break whatever this is, but wouldn't you rather get this checkup over and done with?" Adrian interrupts and never have I wanted to kill him so much but I realise he's right as I break eye contact with Blair.

"This is just a checkup right?" Blair questions Adrian.

"Yep just a checkup to see if you are fertile and healthy." He answers.

She grins at him, "okay, lead the way." And with that he places a hand on her shoulder and guides her into the room.

I can't help but glare after them, mostly at his arms around her shoulders. I feel annoyed at my friend but I have no idea why.

I haven't killed anyone today. That must be the reason.


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