Chapter 10: Nothing More

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Blair's POV:

I opened my eyes, very confused on what Dimitri had dragged me up all of those steps for but any complaints disappeared from my mind as I saw the beautiful sight in front of me.

The building was so high up that I could see the majority of the city and my god it was breath taking. I could see cars driving up and down the roads, people walking and running down the streets revelling in a warm and sunny day and the trees that littered the city with reddish and brown leaves that only resembled small flecks from this high up.

I couldn't hear the cars or see the emotions of the people on their faces and for some reason that made it was all the more peaceful. I closed my eyes and took in deep breath. listening to the wind and the mine and Dimitri's breathing.

I felt Dimitri come to stand next to me, "I used to come here when I was little" he paused as if debating what to say next "when it all became too much."

I smiled opening my eyes to look at him only to see him already looking at me. His hand lightly brushed against mine.

"It's beautiful." I murmured.

Like you

I wanted to say but didn't.

we stared at each other in silence still until the silence became a little too strong and I feared what I might have done instead.

I moved slowly towards him, "is this where you bring all the girls?" I said jokingly.

His eyes suddenly darkened and his arm abruptly moved away from mine as did his body.

I noticed his actions realising I must have said something wrong, "i'm sorry, I didn-"

"I think its better if we leave now" he interrupted me coldly, no trace of a grin left on his beautiful face.

I was shocked and very confused, "oh" I stuttered "yeah of course."

With that he turned round quickly not sparing me another glance and walked out the room descending the steps expecting me to follow him. So I did almost numbly, doubting myself the whole way down; was it something I said or did?

He walked out and up to the car and yanked the door open gesturing for me to get in.

I stood still and looked up to him "Dimitri." I said slowly still wondering what i could have done to cause this abrupt change in mood.

"Get in, don't make me ask again" he said rudely.

I was stunned and did what he said. The whole care ride was awkward and silent with Dimitri glaring at nothing for the whole ride.

The car rolled to stop outside the little cafe we went to last week. Dimitri didn't know where I lived but believed me when I said I lived close to the cafe.

I got out the car not waiting for Dimitri to open the door for me. He joined me on the pavement clearly even more annoyed than before that I had opened the door myself.

He turned towards me and I thought he was about to apologise but instead he said:

"You're here to give birth to my child. Nothing more." and with those last hurtful parting words he got back in his car and ordered the driver to drive him home.

As soon as I could no longer see the car in the distance. A single tear rolled down my cheek, how cruel could he be to take me to nice place and act all interested by touching my hand and then be so cold and say that.

He changed so quickly from a polite and kind gentleman to cold and cruel man.

But maybe it was my fault I thought as I started the long trek back to my house.


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