Chapter 11: Rollercoaster

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Blair's POV:

I opened my front door and yawned silently. Today had been a long day, roller coaster of emotions.

All because of that man. That stupid and manipulative man. Dimitri Volkov. Well screw him and his dreamy eyes and handsome face and godly body and soft ha-

Blair you thirsty whore.

What nearly happened today will never happen again. From now on it was going to be a purely professional relationship.

I smiled at that decision, it was what was easiest I told my self as I walked into my flat.

Sitting on my couch I looked through my post.

It was mostly just rubbish: real estate agents trying to sell me their houses, a builder offering to paint, an new pizza place that I will definitely have to check out and-

I'd recognise that hand writing anywhere

The handwriting that fills me with dread, that creates a slight shake in my hands.

The handwriting and its master:

Mother dearest.

She wasn't meant to know my address. I left her and judgemental glare behind but I guess in the end they always find you.

I reach for the letter, better to not leave the old hag waiting whether she's here or not.

Hesitation lingers on my actions as I open the letter reading the words.

Dear daughter,

You forgot to tell me your new address so I called a few of your work friends and it was easy enough to get it but I don't appreciate that honey. I'm your mother you tell me everything.

So how's America? Do you have a job? Have you been going to gym? God knows you need to, you always were a chubby baby.

The reason I sent this letter is that I'm coming to stay with you for a bit. I won't tell you the date so you can be as shocked as I was when you ran away during the night a year ago.

Can't wait to see you honey.

Love your mother xxx

I collapsed back on the couch and sighed.

Today had been a crazy mess of emotions from Dimitri's confusing actions to my mother's future surprise visit.

I should probably tidy my flat for the visit but I was drained from today and just wanted to sleep and wake up after my mother's stay.

So I trudged zombie-like to my bed and put my head to the pillow hoping that my mother's flight would be delayed.

Mum, you were my best friend, my light. I loved you. You fed me insults hiding behind the mask of loving advice. You stitched my scars before giving me more. You filled my heart until there was no room for anyone else and that it how you liked it.

Fuck you.



Hope you are having brilliant day!

Slightly darker chapter today.

Please don't forget to vote and leave a comment it really encourages me to update ❤️



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