Chapter 12: Liar

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Warning: Brief mention of rape.
Blair's POV:

The doorbell rang causing me to startle awake from my peaceful sleep.

It's 4:00 am, who the hell is up this early and what do they want with me?

I groggily get out of my bed, rubbing my sleepy eyes. I put on my dressing gown that was laying on the chair in my room.

The doorbell rings again. Fuck off.

I used to be the type of morning person who would wake up so early that I would be more productive in the early morning than someone was in the whole day.

My mother used to set alarms for me, telling me that my future husband would expect me to wake up early and cook breakfast for the whole house.

When I was a child I used to ask her why he couldn't do it himself. My mother didn't like that answer, she hated when I disobeyed her and she would punish me regardless of the fact I was only 8 years old.

So over time I stopped arguing with her and just accepted that I was to be married off the very second I turned 18.

"Hold on, hold on" I say making my way across the hallway to my front door. I open the door a bit before it's pushed all the way open making me jump back.

A small 5'3 woman struts in like she owns the place. She wears all designer, everything down to her socks. Her hair looks like it's had a fresh blowout and was un effected by the wind from outside. Ladies and gentlemen: my mother.

She looks around still not sparing me a glance "It's a dump" she sniffs disapprovingly. "I don't know how you can live here darling, I mean it's disgusting."

I glare at her "Good morning mother, so nice to see you at this early hour. Yes I'm doing well thanks for asking."

For the first time she looks over to me. Trailing her eyes over my dressing gown that had become undone and you could now see my pink pyjama that were wrinkled and creased. She then moved her eyes to my brown hair, her eyes squinting at my messy bed hair.

Oh I'm sorry we can't all wake up with perfect hair.

"Hmff" she continued to walk along my hallway and into the living room. Taking one look at my couch before reaching into her handbag and producing a large handkerchief that she sits on reluctantly.

I just go to my arm chair and fall onto it. Wanting to cry from my lack of sleep.

She coughs awkwardly "You look chubby. What have you been eating?"


"Food" I smile sweetly at her. "What about you Susan?"

"I am your mother, you will address me as your mother. I will not tolerate disrespect." She reply's sharply.

"You gave up that right when you believed him over me." I say on the verge of shouting.

She jumps up towards me making me flinch backwards into the coach. She growls out "you are a liar, I will not fall for your manipulation."

"What manipulation? I was telling the truth I wouldn't lie about that. Please believe me."

She's now hysterical, her finger is in my face, she spits out "How dare you speak to your mother like that, after everything I've done for you. You run away from me after the smallest problem."

How dare she? I was beyond angry, I hate her so much. I am now shouting "The smallest problem?" I shout incredulously "I was raped mum and you believed him. You believed a total stranger over your own daughter, but that's what you do isn't it. You always would pick anyone over me."

My head whips to the side as she slaps me, my cheek turns pink and stings "you wretched child, I knew you were going to be a failure from the first moment I saw you."

Hearing her hurtful words I slip past her, speed walking to my bedroom.

She shouts from the living room "Don't you dare walk away from me! We are not finished talking."

I pack my bag with clothes and necessities as Susan follows, hurling abuse as I pack.

I walk to the front door as she follows behind me

"I'm done Susan, I thought you came here to repair a relationship, I was ready to heal our relationship but you had to fuck it all up didn't you!" I open the front door, "don't talk to me ever again."

I walk out the door, slamming it behind me.

Now where do I go?



Hope you're having a good day.

What are your opinions on Blair's mum, Susan.

I hate her

Thank you for reading xx

Thank you for reading xx

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