Chapter 13: I'll Walk

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Blair's POV:

I somehow ended up at the cafe me and Dimitri went to. I found the talking of people around me calming like if I could hear about their problems, I could escape mine.

There was no chance of returning home not while she was still there. I had changed from my pyjamas into some proper clothes in the cafe bathroom but I still needed to find somewhere to sleep for the night. I had called up some of my friends in the area asking to crash but all of them made excuses and ended the call quickly.

So I was in this alone. One of my worst fears: loneliness, it developed after my mother would lock my in the basement for weeks feeding me the occasional bit of food she claimed my lack of interaction with people would make me less outspoken.

I tried some of the hotels nearby but all of them were fully booked out. So I had no idea what to do.

I thought about staying at the flower shop but it was hours away and my car was at my house and I couldn't return home.

So eventually I decided I was just going to sit in the cafe and beg the owner to let me stay overnight. It was a shit plan but the best I had.

The waiter came up to me. "You have been here all day. Do you need any help?" He asked kindly, it was a different waiter than last time. Actually now that I thought about it, I haven't seen the waiter from the other day at all today. Maybe he just doesn't work this day.

I smiled up at him reassuringly "no I'm good." I looked down at the table. I am most definitely not fine.

He looked sceptically at me "if you say so." He then walked off to the back pulling out his phone and calling someone.

I sat at the table fiddling with my fingers and occasionally looking at my phone to see if my friends had texted saying they had changed their minds.

Suddenly I felt someone tap me on the shoulder I turned round shocked to see the man that had been circling my mind since I last saw him.

"What are you doing here?" Dimitri questioned coldly, staring right into my eyes.

"Enjoying the delicious food," I replied chuckling nervously as I gestured to the croissant crumbs on the plate in front of me.

He frowned, he eyes squinting at me. "It took you 9 hours to eat a croissant?" He questioned sceptically.

I glare right back at him "And a smoothie." I then realise what he said. "Wait a second how do you know I have been here for nine hours?"

He ignores my question "You are coming with me."

My eyes widen slightly "Thank you for the offer but I will sadly have to decline." I say sarcastically as I turn back round towards the table so I'm facing away from him.

"Oh darling, it wasn't a request. Now either walk out of here yourself or I'll have to carry you."

I turn back round to him "I'll scream."

He just chuckles and grins at me in amusement. "Was that you picking the second option Blair because nothing would make me happier." He steps towards me.

I blush and look away in embarrassment.

What the hell happened to ice cold Dimitri from yesterday?

I miss him.

"I can walk fine Dimitri." I say standing up and gathering my stuff and following him out the cafe. I walk briskly fearing he would use the second option if got too far behind.

A car pulled up, it was sparkling like it had just been cleaned. Dimitri walked over to the door and opened it for me.

"Get in." He gestured to the seat in the back of the car as if to say hurry up.

Did his mother not teach him any manners?


I hadn't forgotten the stunt he pulled yesterday the quick change of emotions and the cold words. Plus he hadn't said please.

"Blair. Get in now I won't ask again." He walked closer to me towering over me in a way that was meant to be threatening.

I smiled up at him innocently "I'll walk."

He rolled his eyes and for a moment I think he's going to back down but he grabs my wrists harshly which I'm sure will cause bruising and drags me into the car.

He pushes me into the seat and does my seatbelt.

I'm too shocked to protest, I'm just looking down at my wrists in my lap.

Even as he gets in next to me.

Even as the car starts to drive away.

Even as I notice Dimitri look to the red marks on my wrist in guilt.

I only look up and out the window when he pulls out his phone.

I only let one tear leave my eye before rubbing my eyes and willing them to stop. It's been a long and overwhelming day.

From being kicked out my own house by my own mother.

To then being uncertain where I'm going to sleep tonight.

I need to let my emotions out either by crying or hitting something and since I was sitting next to a 6'1 muscled man I decide it was safer to cry even if it was only for a minute.

After successfully drying my eyes I look to Dimitri curiously wondering, where are we going?



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Have a good day <3

Have a good day <3

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