39 x What It All Means

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Flashback x Cynatra's 28th Birthday

James had planned a dinner for Cynatra. It would usually just be the two of them but he wanted to bring her family and friends together to celebrate the joyous occasion.

"Hey Coach J, you got a minute?" Juan asked in the doorway of the office.

"Yeah Juan, come on in." James kept his office door open unless he had a meeting, "Sit down son."

"So I've got some advice to ask."

"Shoot, what is it?" James was always open to talking to Juan.

"When do you think it's the right time to settle down?" Juan took a seat in front of the desk.

"I didn't realize you were dating anyone." James chuckled.

Juan hadn't been dating but he spoke to his mother recently and she mentioned that he was getting older and normally people at his age began to settle down. Juan felt like he was just starting life.

"I'm not, but I do want your opinion on it."

"As you can see, I've never been the best example of that. I poured myself into my work and raising a child. I don't regret it though." James picked up a photo on his desk of Cynatra, Jaiden, Ricki, Juan, Mario, Kevin and Taquan as kids.

In the photo, Ricki sat in front of Cynatra as Cyn sat between Juan and Jaiden. They all were doing their own thing. Juan making a funny face as Cynatra held both of his ears.

"Before you could settle down, you need to find the one first. Never settle for less than the one. Have you found that person yet?"

Juan shrugged, he hadn't thought that far. Extending his hand out, Juan wanted to see the photo James had his eye on.

"I used to hate when she called me Mickey. That was probably the worst nickname I had."

"Why would I need to go to Disney and Mickey Mouse lives around the corner." James laughed, "Yeah, you used to turn red every time."

"How is she?" Juan asked referring to Cynatra. He hadn't seen her since before Christmas. She was away on Round 1 business, she was almost always away.

"She's good, just got back into the city."

"Her birthday is tomorrow." Juan said more to himself than to James, "You guys going out to dinner?"

"Yeah, but this year I wanted to invite you guys. She hasn't been around everyone in awhile. I think it would be good. I'm getting old, I can't keep being the only person she relies on."

"You want to surprise her with all of us?"
"Yeah, you think it would be a good idea?"

It had been awhile since Cynatra hung around her cousins and friends. She had become a loner since being back in Oakland.

Aunt Jannelle made sure everyone was on time for the surprise in the private room in a restaurant downtown.

"They're walking down the hallway now." Jannelle whispered.

"Dad you did not have to do all of this, a table in the front would've been fine." Cynatra could be heard in the hallway.

"I told you, anything for you on your special day."

He opened the door to reveal her loved ones.


Cynatra nearly jumped out her skin seeing a room of people there, for her.

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