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She remembered the first time she had laid eyes on Talia Al Ghul.

She had been barely eight at that time, held captive in a cell at the same base she now fought for. Her father had apparently committed treason to the League and was being punished for his sins.

As she had nowhere else to go to, she had been dragged into the mess as well. Any kin of traitors would be executed along with them to prevent future mishaps, such was the rule of the League.

She clearly remembered that if Talia hadn't stood up for her that day, her head would have been severed at the execution block too.

Back then she had felt that there wasn't much difference in being executed or held prisoner for life. In fact death had seemed a merciful option but fate had other plans for her.

Upon Talia's insistence she had been pardoned, though back then Veruna wasn't even aware of who Talia was and what rank she held to be able to give such a command.

All she remembered was that the girl had once visited the prison cells and stopped in front of hers, emerald eyes focused on her as if fascinated. Perhaps it was that brief encounter or some other reason that had urged Talia to stop her execution even though it was a decision that went against what her father had commanded.

But then, Talia Al Ghul was accustomed to getting her way, no matter what the consequences. She succeeded to convince Ra's Al Ghul and got the traitor's daughter pardoned.

Ever since then, Veruna had become sort of a possession for the Demon Head's daughter.

And though fourteen years had passed since then, that fact hadn't changed. At first she had been a plaything for the girl who was almost the same age as hers but held a higher rank due to her parentage. And currently, she was a preferred companion but had no control over her own life and choices.

Her life revolved around Talia Al Ghul and there was nothing she could do that would go against her.

Veruna knew that she should have resented it and tried to break free from that invisible cage but for some reason, she had long ago stopped struggling.

Perhaps she had accepted that way of living and was just biding the time that had been written in her fate.

Silently, without any rebellion but with an inner repressed desire to taste the forbidden liquor of freedom.

"Veruna," the much familiar voice snapped her back to reality and her eyes that had been dazed just a few seconds earlier focused on the woman in front of her.

"Yes, my Lady?"

"You don't look well," emerald eyes narrowed and she stepped closer, hand reaching out to touch her forehead, "did you not get your injuries treated?"

She wanted to step back but didn't, her feet rooted to the spot, "I did. I am fine."

Talia did not seem convinced by the reply but chose not to push further. "Since you are now at the command of my troop, you will be taking full responsibility for it. It's going to be trialing and I don't want you to be incapable of handling it. You know I've already given Father my word that you're more than capable of holding this position. So if there's anything troubling you, you must let me know immediately."

She nodded as Talia retrieved her hand from her, "no such thing is troubling me, my Lady. I will handle it the best I can. You won't be let down."

"I know that," a faint smile creased those razor red lips, "you have never let me down before. And neither will you do so in the future, right Vera?"

She nodded in reply, seeing that smile widen on her features. Talia's tone was always rather fond towards her, a stark opposite from the way she addressed the other members of the League. But then they had spent many years together and with time Talia often got attached to things she called her own.

Usually when she got attached to anything, she made it her priority to keep it for herself only for as long as it was able to satisfy her curiosity. Then when she got bored with it or had fully exhausted it to her disposal, she would leave it but ensure that it would not be in the state for anyone else to use or cherish.

Veruna happened to be one of those few things that were specially important to her. Or perhaps she was the only exception because fourteen years had passed yet Talia hadn't gotten rid of her just yet.

It was almost as if the woman still had a lot to extract from her existence and was waiting for the right time.

There were times when Veruna's mind would drift to thinking what would happen when that time would come and Talia would have no reason to keep her around.

The thought of that would always make her shudder because there was no knowing whether she would be freed as a result or put back on the execution block.

Right where she should have been years ago.

"What do you intend to do for the rest of the day?" Talia's curious emerald eyes were focused on her with that same fascinated look that she had had for her the very first time they had met.

"I was thinking about taking up my responsibilities," she replied calmly though her mind as usual was a whirlwind of thoughts, "starting with checking the training of your troop myself."

Talia looked delighted at the prospect, "excellent. What better way to start than by a training session? I will be looking forward to what tests you come up with for my assassins."

She nodded, "if you'd excuse me, I've got to make preparations."

Talia smiled, allowing her to leave, "certainly."

The woman left but those emerald eyes followed her until she completely vanished from sight. Talia's features seldom expressed any emotions but whenever she would be pondering over something, her brow would knit together slightly and her eyes would flicker in the dim lights.

Right then she was thinking about Veruna as well as the warning her father had given her regarding the woman she had grown to treasure like a priceless gemstone.

She knew very well that Veruna wouldn't betray her but she also knew that her father had lived for centuries and if he was cautious of her, there must be a reason behind it.

There wasn't much she knew about Veruna's life before the girl had been imprisoned at the League except for the fact that she was named after an ancient god of water. A deity able to manipulate the calm of water and turn it into a tempest upon will.

And even Talia was fully aware that just like her namesake, Veruna was the calm before the storm. She could cause a lot of destruction if given the right incentive.

Though it should have put anyone else in Talia's position on guard from her, it only made her more curious about her.

That hidden potential to cause chaos and destruction was one of the many reasons Talia Al Ghul hadn't yet disposed her off. For her, Veruna was too intriguing to be let go of whether she was of any use to her or not.


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