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Veruna did not remember when was the last time she had gone to visit the peasant family that once lived in the forest close to the base. She had met up with Saahir a few times in the forest after they had shifted to the village but hadn't seen Amma and the children in a long time.

She walked through the unfamiliar streets, looking for the shop of the blacksmith that Saahir had told her he worked for. Their house was supposed to be close to the shop too.

She had made sure to dress up as a normal village dweller, a deep blue dress covered with a brown shawl instead of the armor and cloak she usually wore as she did not want to attract any unwanted attention. But even then she felt like an outsider among those cheerful village folk who seemed so different from herself.


A young enthusiastic voice made her halt and she turned to see who had called out to her. A boy came running up to her and at first, she didn't recognize him. But then seeing his bright eyes, a smile spread on her face, recognizing him at last, "Assam."

"Were you looking for our home? Here, I will take you," he offered her his arm as he led her through the street of identical cottages, stopping at a door before knocking, "Amma and Habiba are going to be so surprised."

"You have gotten taller than before. I almost didn't recognize you," she remarked.

"Wait till you see Habiba then. It's been so long since you visited us, of course, we have gotten older."

The door was opened by Habiba and a wide smile spread on her face as she reached forward and hugged Veruna tightly.

"Amma, look who came to visit!"

As Veruna came inside, her smile dropped to see Amma because the old woman seemed even weaker than before. Those old grey eyes lit up to see her but it was more than evident that Amma was on the last stage of her life.

She had already been very old the first time Veruna had seen her and now with even more years lapsing, her health had degraded further with old age.

"My child..." Her wrinkled hand reached out and Veruna took it, kissing her knuckles in respect. Tears glistened in the old woman's eyes as she gave her blessings, expressing that she was delighted to see her.

"I am so sorry I couldn't come to visit as often as I used to," Veruna spoke up, holding Amma's hand in both of hers.

"It's alright... Saahir said you would be busy..."

Amma and her grandchildren did not know that Veruna was from the League although they had seen her in her armor too. They genuinely treated her as a family member and Veruna too felt the feeling of being at home whenever she was with them.

"I will go call Akkhi," Assam stood up, "he works all day and night without a break. Maybe now that you're here, he will come home for dinner at least."

Her cheeks tingled slightly to hear about Saahir. It had been a while since she had seen him too. He had also been quite busy and their secret visits in the forest had been cut short.

Thinking about Saahir had sent her heart into a slightly quickened pace; she had missed him even though she had kept herself occupied enough not to think about him that much. She missed his stormy eyes, his warm hands, his alluring voice, and his gentle kisses.

She shook herself out of those thoughts, training her attention on Amma's raspy voice as the old woman asked her how she was doing and if things were alright at her own place.

In a while, the door creaked open and Veruna recognized the steady sound of Saahir's footsteps.

"What a pleasure it is to see our favorite guest," Saahir remarked, eyes connecting with Veruna's hazel irises and a smile spreading on his face to see the shade of her cheeks deepen.

She didn't say anything in reply but words were never really needed between them to convey what they felt to each other. Right then, Saahir could see very well that she had missed him too, just as much as he had missed her in all those months he couldn't get to see her.

"Dinner is ready so Assam and I are going to set it up," Habiba announced, taking her brother with her to help her with the dishes.

"Habiba made dinner?"

"Yes," Saahir replied, "she has learned how to cook and sew from Amma. She's young but she's brilliant at what she does."

"Assam helps her too," Amma interjected, "my sweet children are growing up so fast... If Aman and Rahima were here, they would be so proud..."

Aman and Rahima. Those were two names that Amma seldom mentioned because they brought memories and sorrow with them. Those were the names of her son and daughter-in-law whom she had lost in the war.

And just like that, Veruna felt guilty.

She was a member of the League who had killed that old woman's sole support and orphaned Habiba and Assam. If it hadn't been for Saahir who had been looking after them for so long, the three of them would not have survived.

Saahir sensed the unease flickering in her eyes so he spoke up to distract her, "Veruna, I hope it wasn't difficult for you to find our home."

"Oh no, not at all. I met Assam on the way here," she replied, seeing that Amma too had left the topic as she began asking her about what she thought about the village.

In the meanwhile, the twin siblings had brought dinner into that room and they all sat down to eat together. Dinner passed in lively chatter and after that, Veruna offered to brew tea for all of them.

As she stepped out to the small courtyard where the stove was kept, Saahir followed her as well and halted close to her.

He was leaning against the wall, watching her as she put the water to boil on the stove, adding powdered tea leaves to the mix. 

"It's good to see you again," he remarked, his eyes focused on her throughout.

"Same here," she replied, able to hear Amma telling the twins to go to bed as they had an early start the next day, "do Habiba and Assam go to school now?"

"Yes," he replied, "Assam goes to school and he teaches Habiba what he learns."

"Why?" She asked, a bit surprised to hear that, "could she not attend school too if she wanted?"

"The village folk do not believe in educating their women," Saahir mumbled in a low voice, sitting close to her as he took the twigs out from underneath the pot to lower the flame, "I do not believe in this notion but I can't send Habiba to school if there aren't any other girls attending. Besides, she stays to take care of Amma while Assam is at school and I have to be at the shop."

"Oh... Right."

"How are things going back at the base?" He asked, changing the topic, "is your Lady doing well?"

"She is doing much better than before."

"I heard in passing that the Demon Head has a new heir. A grandson."

She felt it odd that he was willing to talk about the Al Ghuls, earlier he had always changed the topic himself. "Yes, my Lady has a son who will be the next heir after her. As a result, my duties have increased so I couldn't find any time to visit."

"That's understandable," he replied though there was a slightly sad look in his eyes, "and what did you think about my offer?"

"What offer?" She paused, trying to recall what he was referring to.

But then she realized he was referring to an offer he had made the day she had come to see him in the forest. An offer of leaving the League and coming to stay with him and his family.

She shook her head, a soft sigh escaping her as she poured out the hot liquid into the small cups, "Saahir... That's impossible. I can't leave."

He looked crestfallen but soon his expression returned to normal. He didn't bring it up again but deep down, Veruna felt bad that he was still clinging to a hope of having a life with her.

He loved her and so did she, parting their ways felt impossible to both of them yet in the current circumstances, they couldn't have a life together either.

They were a pair of star-crossed lovers; tragic, heartwrenching, and infinitely beautiful in their own story.


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