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A lot of things had changed in Gotham too ever since Talia's last visit. Just like a lot had changed in her life by Damian's addition, similarly a lot had changed for the Dark Knight and his sons.

Richard had taken up the identity of Nightwing while Jason still operated as Robin. The young Robin was now seventeen years old and unaware of what the future held for him, going about his life as a city savior and Batman's prodigy.

While Richard at twenty-two was soaring the skies independently as the vigilante Nightwing. He operated in the neighboring city of Bludhaven as he had been transferred to the BCPD after serving for a year at Gotham's police department.

He would come back to the Manor for Christmas dinners, Thanksgiving, and birthdays. But other than that he was crafting a life for himself out on his own, finally stepping out of Batman's shadow.

For Jason, the Manor felt a lot lonelier without his elder brother around. He missed Richard and wanted him to come back but didn't say that because he didn't want to be the one to hold him back from his dreams. 

Richard was happy to be working in Bludhaven so Jason had decided to put up with that loneliness until he too graduated from Gotham Academy and then could decide what to do with his future.

He could apply to Hudson University for a law degree like Bruce had advised him to or he could pursue his own talents in literature and linguistics. There was a lot he could do with his future or so he thought.

However, with Richard no longer staying at the Manor, the distance started to grow between Bruce and Jason. Alfred tried to make sure they didn't get into arguments too often but without Richard there to act as mediator, their arguments became more frequent.

Bruce felt as if Jason was getting more and more aggressive on patrol and he didn't want him to continue being Robin if he couldn't follow orders and be brash and reckless. However, he couldn't fire him either because he knew that decision would make Jay erupt more at him.

Since both of them were not good at expressing exactly how they felt and the one person who knew very well how to keep them glued together was in Bludhaven, things were getting strained between the father and son. 

Jay was starting to think Bruce didn't actually care for him and was only keeping him around as a soldier. Bruce felt that Jason didn't respect him anymore as he continuously disobeyed orders.

But they had to look past their differences because as Batman and Robin, they had to work together to ensure justice. And with the Joker escaping Arkham again to cause havoc, the dynamic duo was needed more than ever.

They were not aware that the League of Assassins was also involved in Joker's escape. Ra's Al Ghul wanted to use Joker as a distraction to keep Batman and Robin busy while he would destroy Europe's financial districts to gain more power.

Little did they know that alliance would have grave consequences for them.

Joker had been causing chaos in Bosnia and as he was unable to be tackled by any other means, Batman had to capture him and stop his mad plans.

So Bruce and Jason had to leave for Bosnia on short notice.

Alfred told Richard that they were leaving so he came to visit the day before. Jason was delighted to see him and Richard too hugged his brother tightly, ruffling his head just like he used to.

"Look at you, Jay, you've reached my height."

"Told ya I will get taller," Jason laughed, flinging his arm around his brother's shoulders, "it's a good thing you came, Dickie, I felt I was losing my mind staying cooped in with the old man. And then there's this mission to tackle as well... If you weren't here, I would have lost it."

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