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Dear Readers,

At long last, we have reached the end of Intoxicating Desires | T. Al Ghul, and what an unexpected ride it has been. I really hope you enjoyed reading the story.

First of all, I want to thank all of you lovely people who read and supported my work and for that, I am very grateful because your constant motivation kept me writing the story:








And all those who I couldn't mention here, I am extremely thankful to you as well for reading this story and appreciating it.

I was very excited about this story but I was also nervous while writing it because it focused on a character that we don't get to see much in canon. Of course, it presented a good opportunity for me to add layers to a woman always portrayed as a psychotic ex-lover and I tried to explore her personality and the reasons she turned out to be so power-hungry and obsessive.

I don't know if I managed to do justice to my portrayal of Talia Al Ghul or not, you guys tell me what you think in the comments. But I hope it was something different from how we normally read her in canon and in fanfiction.

Since this was an AU, it gave me some creative freedom that I have exercised fully such as the arc with Veruna, the whole storyline with the Persian prince, Deathstrke's involvement, and how Talia finally became the Demon Head, etc. I also kept the Gotham and Batman scenes to a minimum because I did not want the spotlight from Talia to be taken by someone else.

A few of my characters that I fell in love with while writing this story are Dusan, Saahir, and Assam. That being said, I apologize for Dusan's painful death but it had to be done as keeping him alive would further complicate the plot.

As for Saahir, I know I have left you guys in suspense of what happened when he was taken away to Isfahan but don't worry, all of that will be revealed soon although not in this book. And Nyssa... Let's not talk about her too soon or else it will ruin all the fun.

To some of you, this ending might seem as if it has a few loose strings but I can assure you, that is purely intentional. I didn't want it to feel like the story ended here because Talia and the other characters from this book have a lot of vital roles to play in the sequel Shatranj | D. Al Ghul which is now posted on my account.

Shatranj focuses on Damian and how his life is shaped in this alternate universe. It features the remaining Al Ghuls, Veruna, Saahir and a few more original characters that are going to be a treat for me to write. I am very excited about this book too and I hope you all enjoy it as much as you enjoyed reading this story.

 I am very excited about this book too and I hope you all enjoy it as much as you enjoyed reading this story

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Hope to see you there. 

Have a lovely day and stay blessed.

Love from,

Zenina Dawson.

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