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Saahir couldn't believe his eyes and ears.

Talia Al Ghul had herself brought Veruna to their place and even told him that she was willing to let her go with him. However, he was more shocked when she told him she knew he was the prince they had never been able to find but was still willing to let them go.

"You all must leave," Talia resumed, "if you stay here, you will be risking not only yourself but your family as well. Go back to Persia."

"I can't," he shook his head, "if I go back, whoever is ruling over Persia will see me as a threat. They will hurt my family either way and I don't want that to happen."

However, it seemed Talia had already made all arrangements as she spoke up confidently, "they won't. Not if you go with another identity and don't reveal yourself to them. It has been decades since you left your country, who will recognize you now?"

She had a valid point. His people remembered him as a young captain and not as the man he had become after the war. They probably still thought he had died in the League's captivity. And it had been decades since the war.

Perhaps it would be just as easy to blend in as Talia was suggesting. He would get to go back to his homeland and though the thought was tempting, he couldn't help but think about all those people related to his soldiers and his heart felt heavy with guilt again.

Veruna sensed it so her hand gently rested upon his, giving him her silent reassurance.

"I will give you time to think this over. Vera can stay here until then," Talia stood up to leave, "but let me know of your decision soon. I can't guarantee things for much longer."

Once again, Veruna felt as if something terrible was about to happen to the League and Talia was somehow aware of it. But the woman hadn't replied to her question back then, perhaps she really didn't want to tell her.

She followed her Lady outside nevertheless and stopped her before she could step out the door. The hood covered Talia's features as she knew it would be safer for her not to be seen in the village. But as Veruna's hand closed onto her wrist, she stopped, turning to face her.

"My Lady, please tell me the real reason you are sending me away," she spoke up and held both her hands so that she wouldn't leave without giving her an answer, "I will not go if you keep me in the dark."

Talia sighed softly, her eyes meeting her hazel irises reluctantly, "please don't make this any harder for me than it already is."

"I can't help but think that something terrible is about to happen to the League and you know about it," she spoke up, making Talia surprised as well on how she could guess that, "it feels you are sending me away intentionally so that I won't get involved with it. But I promised to fight alongside you and I can't leave you to face whatever threat that is looming on your own."

"Vera, I won't be alone. I have Damian and I also have Jason to lead my troop. Everything is going to be fine. You must go."

It still felt like a lie. And Veruna had never resisted any of Talia's decisions before but right then, she just felt too worried to think only about herself and leave.

Veruna hadn't let go of Talia's hands so the woman couldn't leave just yet and it felt as if she wouldn't let go until she told her.

She sighed, a hurt look crossing her face as she looked down at their hands and then back up at Veruna. Leaning closer, she whispered, "you must go before I end up changing my mind and being selfish with you again. Please, Vera. You must leave."

"But my Lady-"

Her words were cut short as Talia's lips delicately brushed against hers, making her freeze to the spot. Their lips had connected just for a brief second until she pulled apart, knowing Veruna would be shocked. 

"Stay safe, my dear," she whispered, retrieving her hands from her as she stepped out of the door without a single backward glance. 

Veruna stood rooted at the door, unable to process what had just happened. That kiss was unexpected for her and at the same time, it felt like an answer to all the questions she had had regarding Talia.

Slowly everything was starting to make sense. Her Lady loved her but couldn't be with her so she had chosen to let go of her so that she could be happy.

All those disagreements Talia had had with her father on her account, all the times she tried to keep her close and make sure that she was doing alright, why she rejected the people who wanted to be with her, and why she didn't allow anyone else to get close to her. It was all because somehow she had fallen for her trusted confidante.

Bt Veruna was already in love with Saahir and Talia couldn't be with her so she had chosen to let her go although she had ended up telling her the reason through that kiss.

That kiss was a final goodbye, a last request from Talia pleading with her not to come back to the League. And she had always followed her Lady's orders, she was bound to follow that order as well.

With Talia gone, she turned to go back to the house but paused, seeing Saahir standing in the courtyard. He hadn't been there earlier but came to check what was taking that long and by the baffled look on his face, it was clear he had witnessed the brief moment shared between them.

Veruna didn't know what to say to explain it to him or if she should even say anything at all. But Saahir did not question her about it.

It felt as if deep down he too had had a suspicion that Talia disliked him because she saw him as a rival for Veruna's affection. However, all of that was in the past. Their present was at stake and they had to choose their future.

If they stayed at Nanda Parbat, they would be at risk as Talia had so clearly warned them. If they left for Persia, things were uncertain still.

"Saahir, I..."

He shook his head, making her halt as he stepped close to her, "you don't have to explain anything. Just tell me what you want. If you want to leave, we will leave. If you want to stay, we will stay."

She thought about it all but her head was already swimming with a lot. She needed some time to sort things out for herself as well.

"If it isn't safe for Amma and the kids, then we shall leave. We must keep them as our priority." She gave her answer, leaving the courtyard to be by herself for a while and Saahir respected that, not going after her for the time being.


Intoxicating Desires | T. Al Ghul ✔Where stories live. Discover now