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Bruce fingered the envelope Richard had just handed him, his eyes focused on the boy in a concerned look. It seemed that he was waiting for an explanation that Richard was somewhat reluctant to give.

"Did you meet her again even though I warned you to stay away from her?" The man asked, pale blue eyes unwavering.

"Look, I didn't meet her by myself. She approached me."

"You should have called me or Alfred and either of us would have picked you up from the orphanage instead. There was no need to go with her."

He nodded, "I know... But what else could I do? I wanted to make sure that she wasn't certain about me being Robin and there was no other way I could do that. And then I had considered both options. We were out in public and she asked me to take her to a coffee shop. There was no way she would do anything to harm me while we were at a public spot."

Bruce shook his head, the worry in his tone increasing, "you don't know her. The Al Ghuls are unpredictable people who don't care about the consequences as long as they get what they set their eyes on."

Richard paused, raising an eyebrow skeptically, "oh and you think you know her just because you know her father? Granted she has held a sword to my throat and I shouldn't be defying her but I still feel like you're misjudging her due to her family."

Bruce knew he would say that. He had a habit of caring for others too much for his own good and right then he was taking Talia's side even though the woman had threatened to slit his throat back when they had encountered her on patrol.

"Dick, you need to stop being so compassionate."

"And you need to stop worrying so much about me," he added but then quickly reformatted his words, "no, I mean it's great that you care for my well being and are concerned and I really really appreciate it. But you know I can look after myself just fine. If Miss Talia had posed any threat to me that evening I would have immediately called you or Alfred. But it was fine, I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about."

Bruce thought his words over, knowing that he was being a bit judgemental towards Talia just because he had automatically assumed she would be like her father.

So far she had kept her word and the League hadn't interfered in anything and no innocent lives had been hurt due to them. Even in the letter she had sent him, she had given him her word that she would not disclose his identity to anyone, not even to her father, in exchange of him considering her as an ally.

He didn't want to do anything with the League though let alone let them become his allies. But he could see where Talia was coming from.

She was the designated successor and would inherit the title of the Demon Head after Ra's Al Ghul. But in case things went south and she couldn't, she would need allies to help her claim her rank.

And she knew very well that Batman and his vigilantes could be a powerful asset if on her side.

"Also, I feel like she's interested in you," Richard remarked out of the blue, taking Bruce by surprise, "just saying... Like maybe just a little bit."

"She could be interested in Batman considering she wants us to be her allies..."

"No no," a thoughtful look swept over his features, "I feel like she's interested in both Batman and Bruce Wayne. And you know what I mean when I say interested."

He paused and then the expressionless look in his eyes turned into that of alarm, "Dick, you're not setting me up with Talia."

The boy shrugged but a smile was threatening to break out on his face, "I haven't tried yet. I just had a feeling and told you. And it's such a shame she already went back to wherever she lives..."

"Nanda Parbat," he interjected.

"Yeah, Nanda Parbat," Richard resumed, "but if she hadn't, I would totally have given it a shot for your sake."

"You are supposed to stay away from her, understand?" He repeated, his eyes looking at him warningly, "and I don't want to hear any of your theories on this topic again."

"Okay but you two would have made a nice couple. She already gives me stepmom vibes," he couldn't hold back a light chuckle upon seeing Bruce get somewhat flustered, "though I hope she's not the evil kind... Oh wait, who am I kidding here? She could be the evil kind but I'm not judging her baselessly like you did."

Bruce could have told him to shut up but didn't, knowing it was futile. Once Richard hopped on his cupid wagon, he could go on for hours justifying why he thought Bruce should settle down with whatever woman he had chosen to be his stepmom.

It had happened a few times earlier as well and in fact, Richard had started playing wingman for Bruce without his knowledge or permission ever since he had started attending the society events with him.

He had once set him up with Vicki Vale and the two had dated for some time until things went south. Another time he had set him up with Selina Kyle though that was a different case altogether.

Bruce did not want Richard to try setting him up with Talia because not only was it dangerous but it seemed that was what Talia could benefit from immensely. And he did not want to be a pawn for the League of Assassins.

So he just picked up the file he was checking and walked out of the study before Richard could start listing down the reasons he and Talia could be great together as a couple.

"Yo Bruce, you could have just asked me to leave and I would have done that, y'know. You didn't have to walk out yourself." Richard was laughing by then, considering whether or not to follow him and tease him more.

It was the sixth time he had gotten him flustered and he had been keeping count. Each time he tried to play matchmaker for Bruce ended up hilariously for him though he knew the man would be feeling the exact opposite.

He didn't get a reply back from Bruce and as he had the study all to himself, he decided to go check out the bookshelf. There were a few books left that he hadn't read yet and right then seemed like a good time to catch up on his reading.


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