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"I heard that you have been troubled lately," Dusan spoke up, keeping his horse's pace matching with Talia's horse.

They had gone on horse-riding together to the forest and as there was no one around to eavesdrop on them, Dusan decided to ask what he wanted from his younger sister.

"And who told you that?"

"Doesn't matter," he remarked, "and even if no one told me, I would have guessed something is off."

"What exactly did you hear, Dusan?" She had reared up her horse directly in his path, making him pull up the reins to avoid crashing headfirst.

"Nothing out of the ordinary except the fact that you have been worried about something and not telling me about it."

"Why do you even want to know?" Her emerald eyes pierced through him in a warning, "what right do you have to poke your nose in my business?"

"I am your brother, Talia, whether you like it or not," his voice missed the cheerful lilt it held usually and his eyes were staring back at her resolutely, "I have every right to know what you are going through. And if you don't tell me yourself, I will have to find out through other means."

Her eyes flashed, "what other means? You will spy on me?"

"I have no reason to do that," he was calm although she was firing up in anger. He knew very well that just like a blazing fire, she would rage up but then eventually reduce to ashes and dust when her anger subsided. "I am worried for you, sister, I just want to know what's wrong."

Talia held the threatening gaze for a while longer but seeing no intent of retaliation on his features and his eyes holding an ever-patient and understanding expression within made her give up.

She took in a deep breath, turning her horse out of his path and continued riding ahead. He followed, knowing it was just a matter of time before she opened up.

"Father does not trust me," she spoke at last, slowing the horse down so that he could catch up, "I have done everything he asked of me, I have tried my best to live up to the title of his successor. But he still doesn't trust me and it feels like I have failed in trying to be the heir he needed for his legacy."

Dusan knew that feeling very well. Ra's Al Ghul had lived for centuries and being alive in an untrustworthy world for so long had made him choose to trust no one, not even his children.

To some extent, Dusan understood why he did that so he no longer felt angry or hurt at his father for not trusting him. But Talia kept striving to be the daughter Ra's would be proud of, so it obviously hurt her to see that despite all her efforts, the man did not trust her.

"Maybe you try too hard to please Father and stay in his good books," he replied, knowing full well that any attempts of sugarcoating his words would have no effect on Talia as she would see right through it. "You have to draw the line somewhere. You can't achieve everything."

Her hands had clenched into fists again, "just when I try to talk to you and open up, you too make me feel worthless."

He shook his head, holding his hand out towards her, "you are not worthless. And I trust you, Talia."

"Then why say such bitter words?" She made no attempt to take the offered hand, seething internally at what he had told her.

"You know it's the truth," he reminded her but tried to be slightly gentle, "I said it the way it is because if I had tried to soften my words, you would have called me out for lying to you. When it comes to trust, sister, you have to be sure that you trust the other person just as much. I said I trust you and that's why I will always be very honest with you, even if the truth turns out to be bitter."

Intoxicating Desires | T. Al Ghul ✔Where stories live. Discover now