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From that day onwards, life resumed normally as if nothing had happened, just like Talia had told her it would.

The only difference was that the assassin Muawin no longer turned up on training sessions and no one knew what had happened to him. It was almost as if he had vanished and never existed in the first place.

The rest of the assassins were also scared to talk about him and there was very evidently a barrier between them and their newly appointed commander.

However, it had only given them stronger reason to believe that the rumors regarding Talia and Veruna were true. Talia wasn't that close to any other member of the League, not even her father and half sister.

But Veruna was a stark exception.

Not only did Talia openly favor her, she also made sure that no one went against her. The assassins weren't aware of what exactly had happened to Muawin but that only hinted towards the fact that Talia must be behind it.

And it wasn't the first time she had taken a stand for Veruna. Multiple times before, Talia had gone out of her way to look out for her, shielding her from the Demon Head as well even though it could put her in a compromising position.

So for the rest of the people around them, it was hard to believe that there was nothing going on between the two women.

And because rumors travel faster than a wildfire blazing forests, some of those rumors reached the Demon Head as well.

As a result, he called Talia first to hear from her what all the fuss was about.

"Do you know why I have called you here, Talia?" He asked, emerald eyes focused upon her, intently reading each flicker of expression on her face.

But as usual Talia had a habit of masking her expressions and the only thing visible on her features was a smile painted over a rather unreadable facade.

"Of course not, Father. But whatever the reason is, I hope I'll be able to be of some use to you."

"I want to hear your honest perspective on something I heard circulating among the League members," he resumed, his sharp gaze unwavering from her, "I will not tolerate any lies."

"I have never lied to you," her reply was resolute, "and I will tell you the truth to whatever question you ask from me."

"Talia, you know I trust you enough to deem you my heir," his brow furrowed slightly as if it was conflicting for him to ask, "after me, you will be the Demon Head and look after the League. And I know you will not let me down. But there are some things that I have to make sure of."

She knew that if he was explaining so much, it meant whatever he had to ask was a sensitive matter. Otherwise Ra's would only order her about, he seldom had time for long conversations.

"I understand, Father. Please ask me freely and I'll try my best to put your worries at ease."

"I have heard that there is something more than the relationship of master and servant between you and the traitor's girl."

The words snapped at her because even though years had passed, Ra's Al Ghul never refrained from reminding her that Veruna was a prisoner's flesh and blood. It was almost as if he intentionally addressed the woman as such and that habit of his angered Talia deep down.

But she couldn't say anything to contradict him.

"You've heard baseless rumors," she replied calmly, keeping her expression free of the rage that was simmering inside, "Veruna is a member of the League, just like any other. She knows her place."

"And what about you? Do you know your place, daughter?"

She retrieved her gaze though he irises were blazing, "I am your daughter and heir to the Demon Head. I'm obligated to follow each order you give and serve you and the League to the best of my ability."

Ra's on the other hand did not retrieve his piercing gaze as he analyzed her response. "And as my heir, your responsibility is to make sure that nothing tarnishes our reputation. Nothing whatsoever."

She nodded in reply, knowing full well that any word right then could make him retaliate.

"You should keep in mind that she is your servant. Her duty is to serve you and you can extort her services in any way you please. But there is a line here. She must remain only a servant to you. Not your friend nor companion but your servant. Do you understand?"

Talia wanted to object. True, she knew that by status Veruna was a servant but she had spent so many years with her that she had almost started to see her as a friend, as the only person in the League she could fully trust and be open to.

Drawing a line between them wouldn't be easy for her.

"And then I also heard you got Muawin executed in secret due to a petty matter," his eyes had narrowed, observing the slight clenching of her jaw and the tension in the veins that stood prominent on her hands. "We do not kill our own soldiers. It leaves a bad image on the rest of the people who serve us. I think you know that very well."

"But what about the soldiers who commit treason? We kill them so that the others learn their lesson, don't we?"

"Talia..." He was about to say something but paused, seeing the look in her emerald eyes that were now gazing straight in his.

"The baseless rumors that you heard started circulating because of Muawin," her voice was cold as she resumed, "he dared talk ill of me and that is why I had to get him silenced."

"So was it not due to the argument he got into with... Your servant?"

"No," she replied, willing herself to stay calm, "she struck at him because he was slandering me. And I punished him because he didn't stop after the warning. If we let people say whatever comes into their flights of fancy regarding us, would it not tarnish our reputation? A lesson had to be taught and Muawin deserved it."

"From where I can see everything, my child, your lesson only strengthened the rumors."

She knew he was right. Even though no one dared speak up in front of her, deep down they had more reason to believe that the rumors were true.

And if that was the case then she needed her father to be on her side. If Ra's also started to believe those rumors, it would put both her and Veruna in trouble.

"Father, I can swear upon my mother's grave that I have never lied to you," she spoke up and even Ra's was slight taken aback at those words, "whatever you have heard is not the truth. Veruna is my servant, nothing more. She knows her place very well and so do I."

He knew he couldn't question her further after that oath because Talia seldom swore and to swear upon her mother's grave was akin to signing an oath with her own blood.

She couldn't possibly be fooling him after those words.

"I see," he nodded, seemingly satisfied, "I trust you will handle things better in the future. You may leave now."

She bowed her head a little then stood up, "thank you, Father."

After that she left the throne room without a backward glance. But soon as she stepped out and the door was shut behind her, her hands clenched into fists, pointed nails digging into her palms to keep the anger inside her.

Every word Ra's Al Ghul said had landed like an arrow through her heart. She needed to distract herself and forget that recent conversation.

And there was only one way and only one person who could provide a worthy distraction to help her deal with the anger that was boiling inside her.


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