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Talia took Dusan to hunt with her in the forest early the next morning and took that as an excuse to talk to him about his days at the training fort.

They had stopped their horses in a clearing when Talia spoke up, "you never told me about your days at the training fort."

"Well, we hadn't been close back then," he remarked, "what do you want to know?"

"There was someone who trained with you," she kept her voice low and Dusan felt as if she had brought him out there just so they would not be overheard, "this man by the name Slade Wilson. I wanted to ask you a few things about him."

He stiffened, recalling the man who had trained with him back then and was now a feared mercenary, "why are you interested to know about him?"

"I have my reasons."

He looked at her closely, trying to guess what she was up to, "you do know he's a feared mercenary now?"

"Deathstroke, yes. I have heard of him."

"And I have trained with him," his eyes narrowed slightly in a warning, "so whatever you are planning, Talia, just don't do it. It will end up in shambles."

"I am not planning anything," she tried to defend herself, "Father wants me to make allies so that the League is not in danger. Deathstroke so far seems like the only opponent since Persia who can considerably stand his ground against us. I just don't want to ever go into battle with him as an opponent."

Hearing her mention the Persian Empire reminded him again of Saahir but he overlooked it right then. There were bigger things to deal with currently.

"So you intend to make an ally out of him while knowing full well that Father will never agree to it," he remarked, his eyes focused on her skeptically, "in fact, I believe Father might have asked you to make an ally out of someone else who has morals. Like Batman."

"Don't even mention Batman," she snapped.

"So he did ask you to make an ally out of him?" He asked slight curiosity brimming in his silver irises.

"And I refused," she replied, her voice turning cold, "I will see if we need his help later on but not now. For now, I want you to tell me where I can find Deathstroke."

He considered, analyzing the consequences if he told her or refused to tell her. In either case, there could be risks but if he told her himself, at least he would know what she was intending to do and stop her if it was anything dangerous for them all.

"I will tell you but on one condition," he replied, judging her expression closely, "whatever you are planning must not go against Father's orders."

She nodded, "it won't. I only wish to speak to him and see if he is interested in an alliance. If not then at least I will know always to be on guard from him."

"You are still putting yourself in a lot of danger by even considering meeting him," he tried to warn her again, "he is unpredictable and for all you know, you might be walking straight into a trap."

"I know, Dusan, I have considered that myself. Trust me, I will be ready to get out of any trap he has laid out, just in case."

Dusan knew Talia wouldn't back off if she had set her heart upon that decision. And he also knew that she was quite capable of giving Deathstroke hell if in case he tried to attack her.

He trusted his sister but still, he was slightly worried about the whole ordeal, feeling that it was somehow more sinister than what Talia let it show.

"Fine," he gave in at last, "what else do you need to know except his whereabouts?"

Talia thought for a while then spoke up, "just tell me what you think about him. That would suffice."

Slade Wilson was a man of many names.

Deathstroke, Raptor, Terminator, and The Balkan to list a few.

He had once been a part of the League of Assassins, trained by Ra's Al Ghul in that same training fort where the rest of the Al Ghuls were trained, But right then, he was an elite mercenary and an assassin for hire who had no qualms about crossing the lines when it came to getting a deed done.

He had honed that identity for himself after countless successful assassinations and by then he was quite a threat to the League if he turned against them. And Talia was well aware of that as well as what Slade would want from the League if he was ever in a position to make negotiations with them.

Combined with what Dusan knew about his training and him personally, Talia felt she had enough information to proceed with her plan. So she spent a few days in Cape Town but before leaving for Nanda Parbat, she left to seek Slade Wilson out, without informing anyone beforehand.

However, her brother had warned her again and again that Slade wasn't a man who could be trusted. He was like a scorpion, he could sting even his allies as it was in his nature.

But she needed his support in the later years and she knew that for a man as distrustful as Slade, she would have to start building his trust far earlier. 

And just like every other human, he would have his own weaknesses too. He might be tedious and enhanced but every human soul held a weakness.

She only had to figure out what it was and use it to keep him as an ally who would not sting her even if things went bad. 

"Welcome, Madam Al Ghul."

She spun around upon hearing his voice but he was nowhere to be seen. The hideout Dusan had directed her to seemed empty.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Finally, he stepped out of the shadows, a blend of orange and black armor covering him.

"I hope it really is a pleasure and not just you being cordial here," she replied, watching him cautiously.

"That would depend on what offer you might have for me," he remarked, "I assume you do need my assistance and I will be happy to provide it if the deal is fair."

She nodded, knowing she had to be careful because even though he had been amiable so far, he could change sides any second. "I have tried my best to keep it fair and beneficial for you as well. I just want you to hear me out patiently and not doubt my motives. Because it might take time but I can assure you, I will not double-cross you."

"Do take a seat," he gestured but kept standing himself, "and let's hear the offer."

"I want you to help me become Demon Head," she spoke up at last when she was sure that there was no one else in there who could eavesdrop on them, "in return, I can give you what you wanted from the League in the first place."

He paused in alarm, not expecting her to say that but then resumed in a smooth tone, "why, Madam, the offer is very tempting. I hope you have guessed the right object that I wish to acquire from the League."

She smiled, emerald eyes seemingly piercing through that mask the man had over his features, "some people call it the fountain of youth, what name have you heard of?"

He needed no further confirmation from her because she had indeed guessed the right asset. Though it was questionable how she could make such a big deal on the spot.

But she seemed confident and Slade had always respected people who were sure of themselves. Right then it didn't seem Talia was bluffing with that offer.

"Very well then."

She suggested, "if you require time to consider, you can take a few days and..."

But he interrupted her, "your offer is more than what I expected you to trade off. I don't require time to think. I will help you in any way I can."


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