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Talia knew she couldn't keep avoiding Veruna for long. Besides, after meeting the man from that peasant family herself, she had gotten even more curious to know why Veruna hadn't told her about him.

Also with Dusan's departure, her mood had been terrible and she decided to call Veruna to her chamber. When the woman received that order, she did not know what to expect but came instantly, as usual never letting Talia wait.

"Come in," Talia knew it would be her as the door to her room was knocked upon. The door opened and Veruna stepped in, pausing at a distance from her as she bowed her head in a greeting.

"You called, my Lady?"

"Yes, come sit," she gestured to a stool that was placed by her bed and Veruna did as she was told.

Talia didn't speak up herself so Veruna thought she should clarify things to her and get rid of the barrier that had come between them. "My Lady, I know it is not my place to talk first nor out of my own accord but I have to ask forgiveness from you. And before you give me any other order, I have to apologize first."

She paused, turning to face her, "apologize? What for?"

"You are my master and you have every right to ask anything you please from me. I was in the wrong to not answer you to your full contention. I am sorry."

She sighed softly, emerald eyes gazing into hazel irises that were respectfully kept down. "Master and servant... How I wish those terms never existed."  Veruna was confused at that remark but Talia added further. "You don't have to apologize for anything. I wasn't angry at you."

"But... You weren't talking to me at all and I thought..." She looked up at Talia in a mixture of shock and confusion.

"I needed time to figure things out for myself, in fact, I still do," Talia spoke up, "and I realize that there are some things both of us will not feel comfortable sharing with each other. So let's keep it that way. Don't tell me about him and don't ask me why I favor you. Alright?"

"As you wish, my Lady."

There was a while of silence between them again until Talia spoke up, "I met that peasant family though. Specifically that other son you told me about. And the boy Assam."

"Oh," she did not know why Talia had initiated the topic again after herself saying that Veruna didn't have to tell her anything about him.

"And no, I am not going to ask you about them. I just want to give you a warning," her eyes stared right into hers directly, as if silently implying that what she was about to say was of utter importance, "be cautious of him. I don't know if you have met him often or if it is just as you say and you really don't have anything to do with him. But Vera, I feel like he's a man of two shades. One that he bares to you and his family and the other that he bared to us. I don't want you to be fooled."

"My Lady, I don't understand," she had leaned slightly closer, "please tell me what happened that made you think that."

"I don't know why but he doesn't act like a peasant," her brow had furrowed, "and he was very disrespectful towards us. If it hadn't been for Dusan, I might have lost my calm and taught him a lesson." 

She observed how Veruna stiffened again, the same uneasy look evident in her eyes that she had seen a few days back. 

"But you don't have to worry, I will not hurt him. Provided that he doesn't hurt you or any of us."

 "I am grateful," Veruna bowed her head, "I don't want Amma and the twins to have to suffer again. He's the only support they have."

"I can see that. I am not heartless," she mumbled, "but it's taking me time to accept it."

She paused, "accept what, my Lady?"

"Accepting that you're fond of someone else," Talia's lips had a bitter smile but she shook her head, holding her hand out towards her, "never mind. Let's just bury this aside and start afresh. This time not as master and servant. But as partners in arms."

She placed her hand in hers, watching her fingers interlace through hers, "as partners in arms. I will do everything possible to make sure that you and the League are not let down."

"Very good." Talia decided to stop beating about the bush and tell her the real reason she had called her there. "Also, there's one more thing I had to tell you. It's very important actually."

Veruna nodded, listening closely to whatever she might have to say next.

"I talked to Father and he has allowed me to visit the strongholds we have in other countries. I will be starting with Gotham and it will take me approximately a month away from here. In my absence, I want you to keep looking after my troop."

"You are not taking me with you?"

"No, we need one person to be here and make sure the soldiers don't fall lazy, don't we?" She smiled lightly, trying her best to portray that nothing was wrong whatsoever, "I know I have always taken you with me everywhere I go but Dusan suggested that I should try going on my own this time. And I agree with him, it will be a nice change, might even be a bit of a challenge considering how accustomed I am to you but I will see if I can overcome it as well."

"If I have done anything that upset you or..."

She squeezed her hand gently, stopping another apology that would come out of her otherwise, "Vera, I am not angry at you. Never. I just need some time to myself."

"Oh, right... I'm sorry, I should have known."

"And for the love of God, don't apologize so much," she let go of her hand but her eyes were still focused on her in a gentle look, talking to her seemed to have that effect of gradually improving her mood, "you never give me any reason to ask forgiveness for."


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