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Snowflakes fell upon the red blanket spread out underneath, dissolving within the deep hue that tainted the ground. The same crimson splatter tainted the swords of the two women standing in the center of all the destruction.

One of them had her head held up high as if triumphant over the way things had ended. But the other was looking down at the red and white shades oozing under their feet, guilt taking over her features.

Together, they had won yet another battle.

It hadn't been their first and it definitely wasn't their last but just like all the battles they had won before, a nagging feeling gnawed at her heart, reprimanding her for her actions.

She could convince herself that she was only following orders and if she didn't do so, she would meet a similar end as those corpses lying at their feet. But deep down she knew it was a worthless excuse.

She was just as much of a contributor to that destruction as the woman standing beside her.

Yet there was an unmistakable difference between the two women that could never be overlooked.

They were both brave, deadly and extensively trained. They had both led troops of armies into battle and returned victoriously. They had both braved every obstacle in their path mercilessly.

But they could not be one and the same.

Because the woman on her right was Talia Al Ghul, daughter of the Demon head and heir to the League of Shadows. While she was just Veruna, a warrior in the League and Talia's trusted confidante.

"Come, we must leave now," the sharp voice of the Al Ghul heir snapped her out of her thoughts and she nodded, sheathing her sword and following Talia away from the destruction.

Their fleet was waiting for them and they had to return to their base at Nanda Parbat.

She might have shone equally beside Talia during the battle, taking down just as many people as she had, but soon as the fight got over, she would resort to the shadows. Sinking into the background as if afraid of basking in the light that shone upon Talia Al Ghul.

And there were many reasons that forced her to choose inconspicuousness, the foremost being that she knew she was already walking on thin ice and any wrong step could lead her to her death.

After all, Talia wouldn't be able to get her life pardoned every time.

Ra's Al Ghul might have let his daughter have her way once but Veruna knew that the Demon Head never forgot and never gave a second chance.

So she had to be very cautious of each move she made in order to keep herself safe from being sentenced to death once again.

Her thoughts kept her occupied till the fleet landed in the courtyard of the League's base and she straightened, preparing herself to leave with the rest of the soldiers. She was about to step out when a hand closed on to her arm, pulling her back.

Hazel eyes met emerald and Veruna stilled, "is anything the matter, my lady?"

"You will be coming with me," she replied vaguely, not letting go of her arm.

The soldiers had all left the fleet and were waiting down in a parted line for the heir to the League to walk through. From there, Talia would have to go to the Throne Room and meet her father, informing him about their victory and receiving his appraisal.

But she did not come down alone, instead, she had brought Veruna along with her.

Veruna could feel the uncomfortable stares on her and the murmuring that broke out in the distance. And it did not help that Talia still held her arm as if she knew that Veruna would disappear into the background again if she let go of her.

But her footsteps came to a halt in front of the Throne Room, hesitant to cross that threshold. Talia turned to look at her and raised an eyebrow, silently asking her why she had halted.

"My Lady, you must go alone," she insisted, knowing full well that Ra's would not like to see her accompany Talia in there.

"I have a very important matter to discuss. And you must be there for it."

The gates parted and Veruna shrunk further, seeing the Demon Head seated on the High Chair. Talia let go of her arm but Veruna knew it would be futile to back off so she stood in the corner, her head bowed low in front of the Demon Head as per their tradition.

Talia had stepped up to the throne and told her father about their victory. Ra's was satisfied to hear that but his eyes were sweeping toward the young woman standing in the corner.

But he did not ask from Talia himself, knowing that if his daughter had brought her favorite servant to the Throne Room, she must have something in mind and would ask herself.

And true enough, she did.

"Father, I wish to give Veruna the command of my own troop," she spoke up and the words felt like molten lava pouring into Veruna's veins for she knew the position it would put her in, "she deserves the title and there's no one else I would trust to hold that position."

Ra's Al Ghul's piercing eyes settled on her and he did not reply immediately. From his face, it seemed as if he was pondering over those words.

"Do you think she is capable enough?"

The question seemed to have sparked something in Talia as her emerald eyes flickered. But she kept herself composed as she answered, "she fights alongside me. I know very well what she is capable of."

"Don't give so much power into the hands that may turn against you," the words struck through Veruna again but she knew there was nothing she could say in her defense, "think this over then take your decision."

"I have decided," Talia stated, unfazed by the sudden coldness in Ra's Al Ghul's demeanor, "she will not turn against me."

"If she does," those words though spoken to Talia were indirectly addressed to Veruna, "you will not be the one to decide her punishment."

Talia understood the meaning behind it very well but she was confident the time would never come for that. "Understood, Father."

The Demon Head gave both of them a warning gaze but then nodded, "it is your troop, Talia. You are free to make your own decisions regarding it, provided that those decisions do not put the League at a compromisable situation later on."

A smile spread upon her face as she nodded, pleased to see that he had agreed, "indeed, Father. I am most grateful."

Ra's nodded and then dismissed them. Veruna stepped forward to open the gates for Talia and just as Talia had stepped out, the Demon Head's voice made her pause again.

"And you, girl, if you dare step out of line, you will have to deal with my wrath."

She let go of the gates, turning to face him and bowed her head low. She was walking on thin ice and by the recent decision Talia had taken, things had gotten more complicated.

But there wasn't anything she could say to oppose either of them.

She did not have that position to do so.


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