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For the first time ever since she had met the peasant family, she was somewhat hesitant of going to visit them. Talia's warning regarding Saahir was weighing down on her and she didn't know whether she should listen to Talia and keep her distance or to visit Saahir and know his side of the story.

She ended up choosing the latter because there wasn't much she had to do at the base with Talia gone to Gotham. Most of her time was spent with the troops and the rest of it she would devote to providing company to the Demon Head's daughter.

But with her Lady no longer at the base, Veruna had some free time on her hands in which she decided to visit Amma and her family.

Not wanting anyone from the League to follow her, she left her horse at the stable and went to the forest on foot. She used the time it took to reach there to recollect her thoughts and decide what exactly she should ask from Saahir.

He had once said that he would tell her about his country but she wasn't able to see him after that for a long time, due to the rift that had come between herself and Talia. But now that the matter had been resolved, she knew Saahir would be at home by then. So she had an equal opportunity to ask about his past.

She had crossed the boundaries of the Al Ghul fortress and just taken the turn that led to the clearing where the family lived when the sky darkened and soon after, it started to rain. She got worried because she had brought a basket of food for them and considering the oncoming yet unexpected stormy weather, it would no longer be suitable for eating.

Overcome by wanting to still be able to reach the family in time with the food items still edible, she took off her cloak and wrapped it tightly around the basket. With the food secure for the time being, she tried to walk as fast as she couldto reach that clearing.

But the rain was making the ground slippery so it exceeded the time it would usually take her to reach the hut. She was also worried that the family did not have enough provisions to protect themselves from the rain either.

By the time she reached, she was soaked from head to toe and shivering as without her cloak to cover herself, the cold was penetrating through her bones.

But she wasn't the only one in such a condition. She saw Saahir fixing up the roof of the hut with wooden planks. He was diligently nailing the boards together to stop the water from pouring in. In the splattering sounds of the rain, he did not hear her approach him and resumed working.

"Saahir..." She called out as she reached and he paused.

He turned to see her and instantly came down from the ladder, "what are you doing here? And why..."

Seeing that she was shivering, he stopped asking and led her to the hut, opening the door for her.

"Akkhi, the water from the roof stopped," Habiba's voice reached them as he led Veruna inside.

Veruna placed the basket on the small wooden table Saahir had made for them a few days ago, removing the wet cloak from it. He realized the reason why she was shivering as she had used her cloak to cover the basket. 

"Habiba, fetch a blanket and tell Assam to add the dried wood to the hearth. We have a guest."

"Veruna!" The girl brought the blanket as told and Saahir wrapped it around Veruna, tightly bundling her up. Habiba took her to Amma's room which was warmer due to the fire burning in the hearth. "Come inside, Amma would love to see you."

She turned to see Saahir and he nodded in reply, checking if the food in her basket was still edible or not. 

"My child, why did you risk coming here in such terrible weather?" Amma got concerned to see her shivering and cold.

Intoxicating Desires | T. Al Ghul ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя