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Talia didn't react as extremely as she feared she might. Perhaps it was due to Dusan's presence with her or the slight guilt of hurting the innocent little boy. When she finally saw the man who she had started to think of as a rival, she did not lash out.

"Assam!" The man had come to them immediately, eyes concerned to see the boy with a bandaged leg. 

"Sorry Akkhi, I got lost when I was looking for you," Assam held his arms out towards him and Saahir lifted him up from the horse, holding him in his arms protectively.

"I told you not to wander off on your own. Do you have any idea how worried Amma had been for you?" But his brown eyes flickered towards the Al Ghul siblings in caution.

It was almost as if he had recognized who they were and subconsciously shifted into a defensive stance. Almost as if he was expecting them to wreak havoc.

Both Talia and Dusan had felt that hostility radiating off him so Dusan decided to diffuse the tension. "We apologize that your brother got hurt due to us. But in our defense, he was in the hunting ground and the arrow scraped past him by accident. I have looked after his cut but you can check again if you want to. He'll be perfectly fine by tomorrow."

Saahir observed that Assam did not seem terrified by them which meant that the arrow could have hit him by accident, just like the silver-haired man had told him right then. 

"Fine," he nodded, "thank you for bringing him home. You may leave now."

The explanation hadn't reduced the hostility and Talia felt bothered by his insolence. No one had ever talked to the Al Ghuls in such a stiff manner and it annoyed her more that Dusan had even apologized when it was clearly not needed. 

But before she could say anything, Dusan's hand rested on her shoulder, "we must leave."

She looked ready to object but Dusan shook his head, eyes piercing through hers. He was silently asking her to comply and go back with him.

"Assam, come, Amma is waiting for you. And don't you ever go into the hunting grounds again," Saahir did not spare them a single glance as he led his brother inside the hut and slammed the door shut.

Dusan, on the other hand, knew that he had to get Talia back to the base before she got angry at Saahir and retaliated. So he took the reins of her horse as well and led both of them out of that clearing.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" She was seething in anger but her brother was silently listening to her, his mind occupied by that man they had met as well. "Did you see his eyes? It was almost as if he would attack us if we stepped any closer to that pitiful thing they call home."

"Some people are territorial," Dusan mumbled, brow furrowing in a thoughtful look, "maybe he was just trying to protect what was his."

"This land is ours, Dusan, don't forget that."

"But the hut and the family inside belonged to him," he added, "let it be, Talia. You're fuming for no reason."

He was convincing her to let it slide but deep down he knew there was something deeper to the man they had just met. Saahir's features had felt somewhat familiar to him and the only place that he could associate seeing that striking face was on the battlefield.

At the head of the troops of an army charging at the League's assassins head-on. If only he could remember their armor and emblem, he would be able to figure out whether Saahir really was the person he suspected him to be or not.

He could be wrong but if his memory was right, then Saahir had every reason to be wary of them and push them out of his territory. However, for Veruna's sake, he hoped that his suspicion wouldn't be true.

"If you hadn't forced me to come back, I would have taught him a lesson for being so disrespectful," Talia however, was still adamant about expressing her clear dislike towards him.

Dusan shook his head, a weary sigh passing his lips, "oh come on... And then what, deprive the poor family of the only person they have to depend on? Have a heart, Talia, don't be so merciless."

"You and Father have very different ideologies when it comes to showing mercy. You forgive too easily but I was taught not to spare anyone who dared to rebel against me. If I am getting angry, it is because I am not accustomed to being treated as such."

"You know well when to follow Father's ideologies and when to make an exception so I won't lecture you about it." But then he reared his horse in front of Talia's making her halt, "or is there some other reason you want to teach him a lesson?" 

She was taken aback at his words but he hadn't finished yet, taking her more by alarm with the next assumption.

"Are you really that angry at him being disrespectful to us or are you angry at the fact that Veruna kept him a secret from you?"

Talia's dagger came right at his throat in a threat but Dusan didn't flinch, knowing full well that she wouldn't attack him. "How do you know?"

"You are far too easy to read for me," he replied, making her lower the dagger, "but don't worry, I am going back to Cape Town tonight. I won't bother you more."

She hadn't known that he was leaving too soon, "wait, why? You were supposed to stay longer, weren't you?"

A smile flickered upon his features, "is that your way of asking me to stay?"

She shook her head, looking away, "no. I am glad you are leaving. It would be one less person for me to interact with."

Finding out that he was leaving seemed to have distracted her from her anger toward Saahir and Dusan felt relieved to see that. He knew otherwise things could get out of hand because if Talia was a formidable force to reckon with, the man Saahir too felt no short of a storm in disguise.

The less they had to do with each other, the better it would be for them as well as the others around them. Fire and thunder striking each other would only end up in chaos and Dusan knew the aftermath would damage them all.

But Talia had been distracted from her rage for the time being and he hoped that nothing happened in the future that would lead them to stand on opposing sides.

They had reached the gates of the Al Ghul fortress and Dusan's luggage was already there with the guards upon his order. They had loaded his stuff on another horse and an assassin was to accompany him on his journey.

Dusan had to leave but couldn't do so without teasing Talia a little, "so you won't miss me?"

"Never," she held her head high but deep down she knew she would miss him.

In those few days, they had come much closer than they had ever been in their lives and Dusan was a very supportive brother. It would be impossible not to miss him but she just didn't want to admit it out loud.

"I will write to you," he told her, knowing full well what was going through her head so he didn't need her to admit anything, "it's time for me to go now. Take care of yourself."

Before he could turn his horse back towards the forest, she spoke up, "you too, brother. Take care."

A genuine smile creased his features and he nodded, "sure, farewell."


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