Chapter 17

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A/N: I don't like doing different points of view throughout stories because I feel like it takes away from some of the suspense of things, but I experienced severe writers block so I decided to go with this. I hope you enjoy this part. :)


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*Andrew's Point of View*

"Sixteen blasted years!" my father shrieked at his pilot, who was staring up at him with big googly eyes of fear. I smirked at his face, pulling the milkshake back up to my lips to take a sip. "Do you have any idea how long it's been?! Find that little brat!"

"Sir, they've left the United States," he squeaked, biting his lip hard as my father gave him a death glare.

"Who does that dirty fool think he is?" my father roared again, grabbing his hair and pulling it inbetween his fingers. "I want my little girl back. She's out there so helpless in that captor's hands and I just want her in my arms where she belongs."

"Father, calm down," I spoke from behind my tall pink glass of strawberry amazingness. "We'll find her. She's just a little bit confused."

"He brainwashed her!"

"Yeah? Well we are going to unbrainwash her."

"How do you expect us to do that when we can't even find her?"

"Father, we will find her. Why aren't we tracking her now?"

"We were but we lost communication with her tracker as soon as they left the United States. We're hoping they come back soon."

"Weird," I muttered before leaning in to take another sip.

"We're working on it, master."

"You better!" my father thundered angrily at the pilot. He nodded and ran back out of our dining area to go fly the ship again.

"Father, chill. She's not worth getting so upset over," I said with my mouth full. "She's just Alleah."

"She's just my daughter," my father said. "She's just my little girl. And she's just your twin sister. She most definitely is worth it!"

"I know," I sighed. "I'm trying to get you to chill."

"I will not chill until-"

"Master!" the pilot hollered from the driving room. "She's come back into the United States and now we know where she is!"

Great, Alleah. Finally. But I didn't understand why they'd ever left. Maybe they knew something about something else that we didn't know.

"What are you waiting for?" he called back. I winced at the loudness of his voice. "Go find her!"

"Um, Father, she-"

"It will take time but we're heading toward her!" the pilot sang back and my father grinned.


"The reason you aren't getting her is because you don't have a specific plan of attack," I tried to tell him. "She's smart enough to escape our attacks unless they're well thought out."

"Are you certain?"

"Ninety-nine percent certain."

"You're right, son. I'm so proud of you and your smartness. What do you suggest we do to capture back your little sister?"

I thought for a minute of the possibilities. We could hijack her car at night, but Brent and his minions would definitely be prepared to fight back. Maybe she had a friend we could capture for ransom. Or play a trick on.

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