Chapter 2

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"Come on, ladies," my coach slammed her fist down on the table in the locker room as we took a break at half time. "We can do so much better than this. We're only two points ahead and if they keep it up, we're going to lose this game."

"Did you see that freakishly tall sophomore though?" a junior named Lucy whined. "Her overall playing sucks butt, but her spikes are murderous!"

"So what are you going to do about it?" Coach Taylor asked, glancing at her watch to make sure we weren't running out of time.

"Alleah!" Adrianna yelped out. "She's been sitting in for quite some time so that Genevieve could play, seen as how it's her senior year. Alleah was blocking them so well at the beginning! I vote to put Alleah out there so she can make that sophomore look like a failure."

"Well, I suppose so," Coach Taylor moved her eyes to meet Genevieve's, who had a slight look of disappointment on her face, but also knew what she had to do.

"Put her in, coach," she said, gesturing out to the crowd of screaming fans. "We need to win this for all of us and if it means me sitting out, I'll do it."

"Alleah!" my coach called me up from the bench. Quickly adjusting my spandex, I trudged up there to stand by her and the rest of the teammates who were playing in the game.

"Yes, coach?"

"Here's what you need to do. I need you to forget the majority of your position's responsibilities and focus on that sophomore. The other girls will cover for you on everything else, but anytime you see that girl get ready to spike, be prepared to dive and save it, okay?"

"I'll do it, coach," I grinned and held up my hand to my teammates for a high five. After a few slaps we heard the buzzer ring and we knew it was time to go out and destroy some Davidson Dragons.

Taking our positions, I kept my entire focus on the giant brown-haired sophomore who walked out into the court with a devilish look on her face; the kind of face you would see on a wrestler's face right before he was about to beat the crap out of his opponent.

The whistle blew and the play began, keeping my entire focus on the ball. Yelling was occurring all over the court and it really picked up as soon as we watched a senior set the ball in the air.

It was like slow motion, the ball slowly tumbling back to where the sophomore was just beginning to push her body off the gym floor, her hand coming over to meet the ball with a blow. With one giant leap, I threw myself at the place the volleyball was plunging toward and pushed my arms toward it, watching it in my peripheral vision as it flew back in the air.

"And she did it!" the announcer shrieked as our student body section screamed in excitement. "Number 24, Alleah Johnston has recovered the spike!"

"Alleah is freaking awesome!" I heard Ollie holler from the crowd. Moments later the student body started to chant my name as we continued the play, our team gaining the point.

"Alleah! Alleah! Alleah!" they yelled as I dove down once more to save another spike. I was going to have some severe bruises after this game, but it'd all be worth it, especially if we ended up winning.

The game ended at 35-20, the Dragons taking a pretty severe beating and the sophomore was furious beyond belief. The fans all came running out and jumped like psycho people, their hands extended above their heads and yells bellowing from their throats. It had been a fabulous game.

"Hey, you," a rather deep, but woman-like voice came from behind me. I spun around and looked up to find the greatest spiker I had ever seen in my life. I had to be honest, she intimidated me.

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