Chapter 1

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"Alleah!!!" my mother hollered at the top of her lungs. "If you don't get up soon you are surely going to miss your ride and I'm pretty sure Oliver doesn't want to wait for you again!"

My eyes shot open and darted to glance at the clock alongside my tall purple bed. It read 7:23AM, making a electric spark of panic shoot through my body. Getting up fast enough to make my head spin, I darted toward the bathroom to start to get dressed for school.

With only enough makeup to last through the day around my emerald eyes and my normal volleyball tshirt and jeans outfit, I threw my chocolate brown hair in a ponytail and slid down the stair railing. Ollie was going to be here in seconds and I was going to make him wait again if I didn't hurry.

"Alleah, darling," my mother sighed in disapproval. "How many time have I told you not to slide down the railing?"

"Apparently not enough," I joked, sprinting toward the kitchen to grab a bite, scooping up my volleyball bag before running out the door toward the silver Optima in my driveway.

"Bye, Alleah!" my mother called. "I love you and I hope you have a fabulous day!"

"Thanks, Mom!" I called back, pulling open the glossy silver door. "I love you, too!"

I watched her blow me a kiss as I slid into the seat next to Ollie, who looked at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Hey there, sunshine," he winked at me as I stared at him with a blank look on my face. Ollie wasn't the type to suddenly be this enthusiastic in the morning. What was up with him?

"Hey there, moonlight," I joked, giving him a sheepish smile. "Why the chummy mood?"

"Well," he paused, putting the car in reverse to back out of my driveway. "I get to see my best friend, that's one reason."

"Aw, aren't you sweet," I lifted my shoulders in a flirtatious way and giggled.

"No, I was talking about Jessica," his smile turned into a grimace and he looked behind him. My eyes followed his glance, but I saw nothing.

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"Well, you see....I kind of kidnapped Jessica this morning. I'm surprised she hasn't screamed yet, honesty. I'm pretty sure I scared the crap out of her."

"Huh?" I was so confused. Ollie was certainly one random kid. "Jessica is my best friend, Ollie. You don't even talk to her!"

"Aw, good job, Alleah," he patted my head like I was a small puppy that had just done something remarkable. "You're my best friend."

"You are so freaking random," I shook my head and rolled my eyes, looking at him with a "really" look.

"Sorry, but that's what you get for being my friend!" he chuckled and patted my thigh, making me feel the urge to swat his hand.

"Man, you're Mr. Touchy-feely this morning aren't you?" I noted, watching him tap a rhythm on my hand. Good grief, I still couldn't figure out how we had been friends so long. We had been best friends since kindergarten, even longer than Jess, my best friend, and I had known eachother. He had always been like the brother I never had.

"Only to you, Alleah," he chuckled as he pulled into the parking lot at the school and pulled into a space as far away from the school as possible. It was his ultimate goal to make us walk to the school as much as possible and at one point it had driven me completely crazy, but now I just shrugged my shoulders and dealt with it.

"Alleah!" my junior friend, Adrianna called from her car as soon as I stepped out of Ollie's Optima.

"Hey Adrianna!!!" I waved like crazy as I swung my backpack over my shoulders. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, gorgeous. Just thinking about how we are going to CREAM the Davidson High School Dragons this afternoon in volleyball!"

"They won't even know what hit them!" I agreed, waving for Ollie to follow me as we went toward the high school and Adrianna.

"Like literally!" she agreed, giving me a skin-stinging high five. "We're glad we have you on our team to help us, Ms. Champion. You're probably the best sophomore volleyball player out there!"

"Aww, thanks, Ad, but there's probably girls somewhere that are better," I humbly protested.

"Never," she winked and gave me a quick embrace. "Well, see you later, alligator. Bill is waiting inside for me, so I'll catch ya later!"

"See ya, Adrianna!" I called back and she jogged into the school to find her boyfriend. Ollie looked at me with a smirk on his face.


"You hang out with some pretty crazy girls, woman," he chuckled, throwing his arm around my shoulders. "I thought the cheerleaders were full of squeals and hugs, but I keep being reminded that volleyball girls are just as insane."

"At least we're not cross country runners," I joked, preparing myself to make a mocking voice of a man. "Whoa dude, we're going to work our calves and outrun the rest of those runners!"

"Hey, at least we don't make squeally voices about how we're going to kill the opposing team."

"Yeah, but you can't even do anything fun during cross country. I mean, come on, I get to spike the volleyball in their faces!"

"I swear you two fight like a married couple," my friend Jessica chuckled with the shake of her head. "Good thing you have one thing you can both agree on."

"What, band?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah," she replied, nodding her head.

"But he plays saxophone," I smirked. "Drummers are way cooler anyway."

"Hey, at least we're intelligent," Ollie protested. "Drummers are just stupid."

"Excuse me?" I stopped and shot a glare his way, making him start to stutter an excuse.

", I mean the boys. You aren't stupid," he quickly tried to rescue himself as I inched closer to him with my glare throwing daggers into him.

"Whatever," Jessica laughed as the bell rang, making Ollie have to leave for his first hour.

"Bye, Molly!" I called to him as he started to head toward his class. He turned around and snorted, sending me a glare of his own. It was my little annoying act to call him Molly instead of Ollie and it irritated him every time.

"Bye, Patrick," he muttered as he scrambled to English while I headed toward Algebra 2 with Jessica.

"So, Alleah, guess who asked me to prom last night?"

"Oh my gosh, you got asked?" I gasped. "Jess, that's awesome!"

"Yeah, especially after the fact that we had a volleyball tournament scheduled that day. Thank goodness it was cancelled."

"Yeah, but sadly I never got asked because of it," I mumbled, feeling a bit disappointed.

"Aw, sorry, Alleah. Sam's date canceled on him, that's the only reason I was asked."

"Oh well," I said, holding my head high.

"So I was kind of wondering if we could have some girl time sometime and go shopping? I need to find a dress before Saturday and I thought it would be the perfect chance for us to hang out! It's been forever since we have had time by ourselves."

"Well, maybe. I'll have to ask my mom and make sure that Ollie and Will weren't planning on anything after our volleyball match, but I'll definitely see into it!" Will was also one of my best friends, along with a bunch of boys from the basketball team.

"Sounds great!" she cheered and gave me a hug as we barely made it to first hour on time. "I can't wait!"

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