-movie night-

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The Next Day.

Yesterday was an interesting day. The video was a success they would all say. They are all just waiting for it to be edited and published. After that pass the camera challenge, they ended up just playing basketball together for that last challenge, and that's how they ended the video.

All of the NS boys were sitting in the living room on their phones. They only have one large couch that's in the shape of an L, which is facing a big fire place with a wide tv above it, so they all sat next to each other. It was 7pm and they had all planned to watch a movie that night. Perhaps around 9 or so.

"Let's go buy some candy and popcorn for the movie tonight. We already have soju though, so let's just get the snacks." Oli suddenly spoke up gaining everyone's attention. "I'm just ready for the soju tonight." Justin said still looking at his phone without looking up. Regie was next to him and nodded his head in agreement at Oli, while everyone let out a small chuckle.

"Okay seriously, unless you want to eat raw eggs or something, let's all go." Oli said as he stood up and stretched. Everyone followed groaning, standing up, and following Oli out the door. They ended up taking two cars for everyone to fit and not be squished together.

Both cars parked in the Target parking lot. Each member got out the car without saying anything and just started heading for the building.

Once they got in, they all stood in a group. "Okay let's split up. Four of us will go get the candy, and three will find popcorn." Seb said and they all nodded their head. "I'll take Oli and..whoever else with me." Regie suddenly spoke up making their heads turn. "I'll go with." Ryan said with his hands in his pockets. "You guys seem more quiet then these other four." Darren laughed at that.

"Okay cool. So you guys go get the popcorn, and the four of us will get the candy." Seb said to the three boys who just stood next to each other. "let's go now, I want to watch the movie already." Darren said whining to the others before he started walking off to the candy isle. "Okay okay we are coming." Justin said rolling his eyes as him, Seb, and Kane started following Darren.

There was silence between the three for a good five seconds until Oli spoke up. "Come on, let's go find the popcorn." He nodded his head at one direction and started walking that way, making the other two follow.

There was silence as the three walked together. Not too silent though because of the Christmas music playing in the store and the sound of people walking around with shopping carts. It was night, so there wasn't that many people at the store. No loud kids or crying babies. Just adults shopping for probably Christmas gifts.

"Have you guys gotten Christmas presents yet? Christmas is in two weeks." Oli suddenly spoke up. Regie looked at him while Ryan just stared ahead as they kept walking. "No not yet. You guys are so picky, it's impossible to find something good." Regie said as he walked closely next to Oli. "That's true." Ryan said rolling his eyes. "Especially you Regie." Ryan leaned forward to make eye contact with the older as Oli was standing in-between them.

Regie laughed at that. "Yeah well I'm a challenge to please." He said side eyeing Oli while half smiling. The younger noticed but made no reaction besides slight chills. What's with him this time? Oli wondered as they reached the isle that held the popcorn.

"We are definitely getting buttery popcorn." Ryan grabbed the tin popcorn cylinder that had Christmas print on it. "Oh come on, what about this one that has caramel popcorn?" Regie said grabbing the bag of popcorn. "Nope, definitely this rainbow popcorn." Oli grabbed a different bag. The three looked at each other and started laughing. "Okay let's just get all three and everyone can grab whatever. I just want to watch the movie already. Darren probably rushed everyone already anyways." Oli said smiling.

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