-New Rules-

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"Alexa, play new rules by txt"

Justin went over to Regie's bedroom and knocked on the door. "I'm coming in." Oli was flabbergasted at what the older just did as soon as they heard Justin's voice on the other side of the door.

Regie head dived into his own bed laying down. Oli just stared at him in disbelief, but quickly went back to normal as Justin walked in.

"Why didn't you wake him? asked the boy who looked like he just seen some mythical creature. "I tried, but he won't wake up." Oli said looking at Justin then back at Regie. Justin handed the towel to Oli, then walked up to Regie who was obviously fake sleeping. Justin just laughed in his head. "Hey get up already. It's like 10." Justin lightly pushed Regie on the shoulder.

"Hm?" Regie tried to make himself sound like he had just woken up. It looked pretty believable, but Justin knew exactly what he seen when he walked up those stairs. "Get up for the day already." Justin put his hands back in his pockets and walked out of the room.

Damn those guys are too good at hiding this. I'll need to see more before I start making assumptions. Justin thought to himself as he went back downstairs to play the game with the guys.

"Holy shit, I can't believe you actually pulled that off." Oli laughed as he closed the bedroom door, after making sure Justin was completely down the stairs. He put the towel on one of Regie's dressers. "Yeah well I can do just about anything baby." Regie laughed to himself and stretched.

There was that nickname again. Oli ignored it the first time, but the older just said it again. No one has ever called him that before, which made it sound strange to himself. He knew the older was using it as a joke, but it still gave that feeling..

As Oli was lost in train of thought, Regie got off the bed and walked over to the younger, wrapping his arms around his waist. "You okay?" Regie almost whispered in such a sweet and caring voice. "Yeah I'm alright. That was just a lot. I've never had to hide a relationship before, it's different."

That's when both their faces formed the most subtle flabbergasted look you could think of.

"Relationship?" Regie said as he released the younger. "Wait, wait, that's not what I meant." Oli held his hands out trying to defend himself. "You know I don't exactly like guys right ? And I thought you didn't either." Regie took a step back. "Listen. Yes I know I just meant something else." Oli thought for a second.

"Friends with benefits."

Regie paused for a second and then sighed in relief. "Ohhh okay. I know what you mean now. For a second I thought you meant-" Oli's eyes became wide open to cut off the older, "oh no no no. I can not date a guy." Oli tried to laugh it off. He thought he was so stupid to say that all of a sudden. Actually he had no idea why he said relationship, it just..fell out of him you could say.

"Hm well, friends with benefits is alright with me. But this stays between us." Regie said as he walked to his door. "Wait, shouldn't we have rules or something?" Oli stopped the older, surprised he's actually going along with it. "Yeah that sounds fair. What do you have in mind?" Regie stood against the door with his arms crossed.

Oli looked around the room, trying to come up with something. He's never been in a friends with benefits situation before, so he doesn't know exactly what to say. "Am I..your first friends with benefits?" Regie smirked looking at the lost boy in front of him. "Pfft no, of course not." Oli crossed his arms and rollers his eyes. "I've had plenty."

Reggie walked up to him. "Oh yeah? Name them." He started to glide his hands around the youngers waist again like earlier. Except this time it was much more..hot.

"I cant say." Oli said in almost a whisper, trying to avoid the olders dominating gaze. "And why is that?" Regie said smirking as he tried to inch his face a little closer. Oli used his index finger to push back the olders head. "It was one of the rules. Keep the relationship a secret after it ended. Like it never happened."

Reggie chuckled at what the younger said. "Alright then, that can be one of our rules. When this ends, no one else can know what happened between us." Oli nodded his head in agreement. "See I know some rules, you've just got to give me a minute." He crossed his arms again and began to think again.

"No sleeping around with other girls." Oli looked at Regie, who raised a brow with a weird look on his face. "Wha-" Regie was about to disagree, but Oli cut him off. "Unless the you tell the other who and when.. I don't want some std or something." Oli saved himself again. Why does he keep blabbering ridiculous things! He knows Regie is not his to own or something.

"Damn I was about to say something about that." Regie started laughing. "I swear I will let you know ahead of time, who I hook up with." He put his hand over his heart and said it proudly to the younger. Oli just rolled his eyes and laughed. "Alright what about you? You got any rules?"

Regie did not even waste a second to think. He knew exactly what he wanted to say. "No texting when you want to see the other for a meet up. Anyone could look over the shoulder to see that message." Regie said as he took a step closer to the younger. They were now about two feet in front of each other. "Well genius, how do you suppose we let the other know?" Oli raised a brow in hopes for a genuine answer.

"We call. I want to hear your voice when you need me." Regie took another step forward smirking. He looked into the younger eyes. "I uh.." Oli was in disbelief. How is he so persuasive?!

"I don't know, that's kind of embarrassing." Oli looked away to avoid eye contact, but Regie grabbed his chin and moved it back to face him. "Oh come on. It's much easier and harder to get caught with. Since we want this to stay secret."

Oli looked into his eyes for a couple more seconds, before giving his answer. "Fine. But don't make it weird every time." Regie smiled at the boys reply.

"You won't regret it." He pecked his lips and left the bedroom to head downstairs already.

Oli just smiled to himself. Let's see how this turns out.
Hope you guys like the double update. I know I owe it to you lol.

Let's hope they can keep this "relationship" as subtle as possible.

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