-my name?-

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Ryan slowly rose his head up and stretched his arms. He rubbed his eyes and looked around to notice that everyone was still sleeping on the couch, besides Darren. Ryan looked to his right and made a shocked face when he noticed he was laying on none other than Sebastian Moy. Sebs arm was wrapped around the older as he was still snoring. Ryan could not take his eyes off of him.

He sleeps like a drooling baby. Ryan smiled looking at the youngers face. His eyes were shut with his mouth slightly hung open, causing him to drool a bit. But the random thing is..besides the gross habits, Ryan has had feelings for the younger for such long time, but Seb was lowkey kind of stupid. The younger never noticed Ryan's signs. But in Sebs defense, the older does have a cold attitude and is difficult to read sometimes. So Ryan does not mentally pick on him as much.

Seb started to move a bit so Ryan quickly went back on the youngers inner shoulder and pretend to sleep. A couple seconds later, Seb woke up yawning. He looked around the room and seen that Darren was sleeping on the floor in a weird position. It made him laugh a little till he felt something on him. It was Ryan. Seb looked at the olders face. He doesn't usually get to look at his face because he notices that Ryan always looks away from him when they maintain eye contact.

He didn't usually think much of it though. Ryan is Ryan. A shy guy at times but in a assertive matter. Seb moved the long bangs that covered the olders face and just smiled.



It was another thirty minutes later and everyone started waking up, yawning and stretching. Regie must have slept in his room or gotten up early because Oli looked around, and did not see him. Suddenly Oli remembered what had happened last night. He rubbed his face then ran his hands through his hair, resting his elbows on his legs. He took a deep breath and then got up starring straight ahead, to avoid eye contact with the others. Oli did not want anyone to notice how flustered he is right now.

"I'm going to the upstairs bathroom first." Oli said kind of quickly as he started heading for the stairs. He definitely did not want to go in the downstairs one because well..that thing happened.

"Probably morning wood." Darren said laying on the ground with his butt up in the air. The others laughed while Seb just shook his head in disgust.

Oli started walking down the hall after going up the stairs and then realized..Regie's room was right across from the bathroom. Damn it. Oli did not want to see the older right now. He's still processing everything.

He slowly walked over the the olders door and slightly pushed it since it was already open. He stopped as soon as he heard something. Heavy breathing? Is he dying or something?

Oli opened the door just a little bit more to get a view of the older. He wanted to make sure he wasn't having a heart attack or something. But..he should have stayed curious.

"Fuck. Damn it..Oli." Regie moaned as he moved his hand up and down. He was covered with the blanket, so all you could see was the naked upper half of his body. Sweat beads were running down his head a little bit. Oli gulped at the sight. Did he hear that correctly?

Did he just say my name..?

Oli's face started to heat up at the noises the older was making. He could tell he was getting closer to his climax due to his breath getting faster, and moans getting louder. He did not want to stay there any longer though so he ran to the other side of the hall quickly and shut the bathroom door quietly behind him. He was the one heavy breathing this time. Oli seriously could not believe he just watched Regie fix his morning wood...because of himself.

At least he thinks it was about him. Nah he probably heard the name wrong. Oli shook his head trying to get rid of the thought as he walked over the the sink and splash his face with water. "It was nothing. Just a guy being a guy." Oli looked into the mirror. His cheeks were blushing so bad, making him sigh loudly and wash his face more aggressively.

I have to stop thinking about him.
It's already been three days. The two barley talk to each other now besides during the video they made yesterday. They did not want the fans to think something was up.

The thing is..they have not left each others minds. This sounds bad..but every morning, Oli goes to the outside of the olders room and hears him. Getting off to his own name. Oli. Oliver. He is certain that after these past three days, that's what he's been hearing. And after being certain, Oli had a plan.


It was 4 in the afternoon and everyone was chillin around the house. Ryan, Justin, and Darren were playing Mario cart in the living room with Regie sitting on the couch with them on his phone. Seb was in his room doing god knows what and Kane was in the kitchen with Oli.

The two were planning on making some dinner for everyone. Some tacos was what the two were thinking. Kane had already gotten started on the meat though. Oli started looking around for the other taco ingredients and noticed some things were missing. He sighed as he looked over to Kane.

"There some stuff we are missing. And there is no way the I'm eating a taco with just meat." He walked over and leaned over on the counter watching Kane move the meat around. "Yeah we are missing taco shells and tortillas anyways." Kane laughed. "Wait so we only have the meat?" Oli looked at him questionably. "Yup." Kane just smiled at him.

"Wow. We were not prepared for this." Oli rolled his eyes as he stood up straight. "I'll go buy the rest of the stuff, I'll be back." Oli grabbed his keys as he started walking to the door.

He passed the guys on the couch and noticed Regie was not playing the game. "Regie why aren't you playing with them? You know four people can play right?" Oli looked at him questionably. The other three laughed, while Regie rolled his eyes at their laughter. "Just felt like texting people." He winked at Oli, making the younger roll his eyes this time.

"Where are you going?" Darren kept his eyes on the game. "To the store. There are some things we don't have for dinner, so I have to go get them. Unless you want to eat just taco meat." Oli started to put his sweater on. The four on the couch just laughed until Regie spoke. "Can I come with? I'm bored." Regie looked into Oli's eyes like he needed to talk to him about something.

"Um yeah. Sure come on." Oli said awkwardly as he opened the door. "I'll wait in the car." Oli walked out quickly and went into the car, closing the car door a little too hard, making him flinch.

"I hope he doesn't talk about that night. I don't want it to get even more awkward." Oli lightly banged his head on the steering wheel and kept it there sighing. After a couple seconds, he heard the house door close, making his head sit up. Oli fixed his posture and put his seatbelt on clearing his throat.

The older got into the car without saying a word. Oli did not look at him and just waited for him to sit still as a sign he can go.

"Can we talk?"

I literally make this story up as I go, so I hope it's not terrible haha.

But seriously, this is almost at 1k reads what😭 also, thank you for all your comments you guys, they make me so happy. Especially from these two:


Q of the Chapter:
Do you like the Sebryan moments? Should I keep adding them in some chapters?

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