-Good Boy-

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Regie finally walked into the living room, after taking a warm shower. The other guys were sitting on the couches waiting for him, so they could all decide what they would do for the next part of the video.

"Oh finally. That took you.." Ryan looked at his phone and seen the time. "..Over an hour."

"Well I had to unfreeze my ass after being in that thing for so long." Regie said, making the others laugh.

"Okay so for the video, to add on, I think we should all use our phones to Vlog the inside of the cabin and show our rooms." Oli said, gaining everyone's attention. "Oh and we could play hide and seek after we do that too!" Kane brought up all excited.

"Oh yes that sounds good." Ty said as everyone grabbed their phones, and set up their cameras. "I'll leave a couple cameras lying around too. One here in the living room, and one in each bedroom." Ty said kinda quietly as the others were mumbling to each other.

"Okay! Think about what you're gonna do, while I go set up." Ty said loudly this time. Some looked confused, while the others knew what he was doing.


"Alright everyone, I'm all set up now. Begin recording whenever you're ready. The crew and I will sit here in the living room while you go do your tours." Ty said as he watched the guys stand up and begin recording.

Oliver's point of view:

"Hey stars! Let's have a look around the place...
So this cabin is pretty huge in my opinion, it looks so awesome in here." He pointed the camera around the living room to get a clear shot of the beautiful place. "This campfire here is definitely my favorite part." He flipped the camera back to his face and smiled wide. "Let's go to my room now..well technically not just my room. Mine, Justin, Ryan, Seb, and Reg- woah!"

Oli bumped into Regie in the hallway that lead to the stairs. "Oh speaking of Regie." He seen Regie smile and stop his video. "Are you done already? We just started the videos." Oli said, still recording his own face.

Regie looked around and dragged Oli into the bathroom that was right behind him. "Wait!" Oli shouted, but Regie covered his mouth and shut the door. "What the hell are you doing?!" Oli whisper yelled to the older. He turned his camera off and put the phone in his pocket.

"Listen Oliver. Ever since we got here..I cant stop thinking about you." Regie pushed the younger back against the bathroom door. "What? What are you saying?" Oli was confused. Since when did he get so sappy and..cute?

"I'm saying that this is a vacation. And you know what happens on nice, relaxing, cabin vacations?" Regie kissed the younger's hands in between his words. "What..?" Oli said with a whisper, totally drawn in right now.

Regie got next to his ear and whispered.. "amazing sex." He bit his ear slightly and started exploring the youngers body with his hands.

Oli rolled his eyes back and closed them. He felt..kind of disappointed, but excited. He didn't know why to be honest. He liked doing this stuff with Regie, but.. maybe he wants something more?

Regie slid his hand around the youngers waist and pulled him in for a kiss. The heavy breathing started to kick in as they slowly started to get turned on. Regie smiled into the wet and sloppy yet perfect kiss, as his other hand went into Oli's pocket.

"We're supposed to be vlogging, aren't we?" Regie leaned back and waved Oli's phone that he pulled from the pocket, staring at the younger's lips. "You cant be serious.." Oli said as he panted heavily. "Well why not? Gotta capture the moments with our vacation cabin." Regie kissed Oli with more desire. The younger gripped onto his hair, holding him closer to taste every inch of him. Regie's tongue explored his mouth as he smiled from the youngers reaction, but pulled away pretty quickly. "Come on..it'll be just for us. Plus if you ever need something to jerk off to.."

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