-Arcade pt.1-

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They have finally arrived.

The arcade.

It's a huge building next to the mall. Usually arcades are small, but this one is crazy. Kinda like Dave and Busters.

They stopped in front of the entrance so they could begin the video. Ty whipped out the camera and faced it at the guys who were standing next to each other. He signaled the video had started, so Oli began to introduce what they were doing. "Hey stars! Todays video, we will be playing in the arcade, and seeing who's the true pro gamer here." Oli said pointing to himself.

Ryan and Justin were standing next to each other in this line. They looked at one another with a cringed face, then back at Oli. "Yeah okay Buddy, we will see about that." Justin said as everyone laughed, even Oli. "Man lets just get this started so I can prove myself to all of you." Ryan said, making everyone start yelling in disagreement, but Ryan evil smiled as he went up to swipe the camera, as a sign to cut the video.

They all laughed and started arguing with each other on who would win, but all shut up as soon as they walked into the building.

They all looked around in awe. There was a normal amount of people that you would see at a place like this, during this time of the week. Kids were running around, teenagers were playing games together, weird couples playing games super close to each other like they are glued together. And now the seven boys have entered, making their way to the area where they get their play cards.

Each member had a card now that consisted of 500 tokens. "Alright everyone, so whoever comes back with the most tickets, wins." Ty said getting camera out. "Now say that, and split up into groups of two, two, and three." Ty said to Oli, so he could announce it in the video. Ty began recording, signaling the younger to speak.

"Alright stars, so we all have our cards that each consist of five hundred tokens." Everyone was waving their cards around as Oli was speaking. "Whoever comes back here to this spot with the most tickets, win." Oli was gesturing where they were standing to show the meet up spot. "I say the two losers do a candy kiss challenge." Darren said snickering.

Everyone started laughing with a collective "oooo". "You know, i don't think that's a bad idea..since I know that I won't lose." Everyone lost it again after what Oli just said. They all know he is terrible at games. "Whatever floats your boat Oliver. Let's get started already." Regie said half smiling at Oli, who just rolled his eyes in return.

"Okay okay, teams. Justin and Ryan definitely can not be on the same team." Kane said looking around at everyone. "I say to make it fair.. Ryan and Seb, Kane and I, and for the last group it will be Justin, Oli, and Regie." Darren said looking around as everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Okay so let's split up and goooo!" Kane said as he grabbed Darren's arm and started dragging him to the anime dancing game. Ty was following and recording them first.

The others laughed watching it happen, since they knew exactly where he was taking the younger. Seb grabbed Ryan's arm that was in the hoodie pocket, and started taking him to the skee-ball area. Ryan didn't oblige by the younger dragging him over there. Usually he hates when people do that, but the younger was the only exception.

Justin looked at Oli and Regie. They were just standing there, watching the others separate to different parts of the arcade. "Let's go play this game over here. Come on." Justin started walking away from the pair, catching their attention. "Oh!" Oli said as he realized the other was walking away. The pair started following Justin to the game.

It was a shooting game. A zombie version that you had to go inside the machine and sit in it to hold the guns. It was exactly for three people since it had three guns. The space was a bit tight though since there was doors on each side as well.

The three sat down in order of Justin, Oli, Regie. Regie closed the door after the three got in, and it was almost soundproof. The music from the game was all they could hear. The space was tight, but not so tight that they were squished together, just their legs were definitely touching.

The three of them swiped their cards and picked up the guns waiting for the game to start. Oli looked to both his sides. "Get ready to lose."

They both laughed without saying anything knowing damn well who would be the one losing. The game began and the zombies started walking towards them. There was fast zombies, slow zombies, walking zombies, and even crawling zombies. You basically wanted to kill them before they got to close to you and eat your brains or something.

Justin being Justin, was doing way to well. He plays these types of games all the time, so it was a piece of cake for him. Regie was struggling just a little bit but not so bad. He seen some girls outside of the machine so he's trying to not freak out and is acting like this is nothing. Basically to look like a badass.

Oliver on the other hand.. the fast zombies keep targeting him. Almost two minutes into the game, he already lost. "Oh so it was you who you said would lose. I swear you were talking to one of us." Regie said with a sarcastic tone, keeping his eyes on the zombies. "Man I hate this game." Oli put the gun down as he watched the two finish up the last two minutes of the game.

He had and interesting idea.

Oli smiled evilly and looked over to his right. That's where Regie is sitting. And he started to tickle him. "AH STOP!" Regie was laughing and wiggling as he was still trying to shoot the zombies. "You wanted to get smart with me, so this is what you get. You will also lose before the time ends." Oli said as he put his hands all over the older. Justin was just sitting there shooting, being glad that it wasn't him being attacked.

Regie put the gun down and grabbed Oli's wrists and looked him in the eyes. "That's enough of that." Just then, Regie's side of the screen read You Died on it. With only ten seconds left, Justin won the game easily. "Woohoo!" Justin put the gun down and looked to his right to see the two just staring at each other. "Can you guys make out some other time, I just won and I want to laugh in your faces." Justin looked at them and crossed his arms.

Oli released his wrists from the olders grasp and turned to his left to face Justin. "There will be none of anything you just said. Let's go to the next game." Oli's face was red, so he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. He started slightly pushing Regie out of the machine, making them all step out.

"Oh I know which one we could play next, let's go." Justin started leading them to the basketball area. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick. You guys start." Oli turned around to walk away from the other two.

"Wait let me come with you. Justin, just play this game real quick or something." Regie pointed at a claw machine, making Justin roll his eyes in return. "Fine, but both of you hurry up, or we are going to have a lot of stuffed animals to bring home." Justin went to the machine next to the basketball area and started playing as the other two started walking to the bathroom.

The two had entered the said room. Regie looked around and noticed that there was no one else in there, besides some old guy washing his hands. Oli walked into a stall and was about to close the stall door, before Regie walked in behind him and locked it.

"Does my anger turn you on?"

Regie looked at the boy with a beat red face. "What the hell?! Are you crazy?!" Oli whisper yelled at the older trying to push him out. Regie grabbed the younger by his waist and pushed him on the door lightly. "Shh you don't want people to hear you. Do you?" Regie had his face so close to the younger, that he felt his breath on him.

"What do you think you are doing here? Of all places?!" Oli put his hands on the olders shoulders trying to push him off softly. "It makes the mood more intense. And it definitely seems like you like that kind of situation." Regie put his hand on the youngers face and rubbed his cheek with his thumb. "Look at how red your face is right now."

Oli looked away from the older in embarrassment. He was so close to him and it was making his body feel so hot all of a sudden.

The older grabbed Oli's chin and turned it to look back at him.

"Want a round two from that night?"

Well that happened fast😏

Q of the chapter:
What's your favorite book trope?
Mine is definitely enemies to lovers.

Don't forget to vote!


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