-That Cashire Girl-

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It's the end of the day and the NSB household has come to quiet night of boredom. The boys were on the couch using their phones while playing a movie on the tv in front of them. None of them were really paying attention though, just glued to their devices.

Regie's phone started to ring all of a sudden, making everyone's heads lift up to look at where the sound was coming from.

Regie looked to see who was calling, and it was someone he met not that long ago. A certain Starbucks cashier he and Oli met one day to be exact. He answered the call right there on the right side of the couch, glancing at Oli for a second, who was sitting on the left part of the couch, looking on his phone.

"Hey." Regie spoke without a smile. More like a straight face to keep his emotions hidden. He knew exactly what this girl wanted, but there was something holding him back from wanting to do it as well.

Darren turned down the volume on the tv, so he could get a good listen on who he was on the phone with. Regie just looked at him with that "really?" look on his face.

"Hey Regie. What you up to tonight? Any plans?" The girl, Alice, said in a voice that definitely sounds fake. "I'm just chillin here with my friends tonight and watching a movie. No plans on leaving." Regie said in such a monotone voice, trying to give the message. Not as enthusiastic as the girl had hoped.

"How about coming over again?" You could hear that girl giggling through the phone. But that's not what caught Oli's attention. It was the word "again". What did she mean "again"?

Oli put his phone down this time and pretend to watch the tv, but was actually listening to that conversation.

"Yeah I don't know. I don't think tonight is a good night." After Regie had said that, Darren raised his brows, jaw dropped, and lightly slapped Regie's arm. He whispered to the older, "since when do you REFUSE?"

Regie rolled his eyes and then quickly looked at Oli. Why did he refuse? It's a beautiful girl, asking for a fun night. There's no way that boy is holding him back.

"Fine, I'll be over in twenty minutes." Regie told the girl with a little more confidence that time. A part of him felt bad for Oli, but the other half said fuck it. "Alright! I'll see you then." You could hear Alice blow a kiss to the phone then hanging up. Regie rolled his eyes again and then stood up. He looked over to Oli and then back at the rest of the guys. "I have a 'date', so I'll probably be back tomorrow."

"Aye that's what I'm talking about!" Seb said laughing, looking up from his phone. "Yeah whatever." Regie laughed and walked up to his room.

After a minute, Oli got up and started heading upstairs without a word. Justin just watched as he seen him go up, contemplating if he should follow.

Oli walked up to the front of Regie's door and stood there thinking to himself. "What am I even doing?" Oli turned around and tried to walk away, but Regie's door opened before he could escape. Regie pulled him in and shut the door.

Regie held Oli against the door and looked into his eyes deeply. "Tell me the truth Oli." Regie almost whispered to the blank faced boy in front of him. "About what..?" Oli questionably asked, not understanding what the older was talking about.

"Do you want me to go to that girls house, or stay here?" Regie got a little closer and wrapped his arms around the boys waist. Both bodies now halfway connected to each other. Oli was quiet for a moment, he didn't know what exactly to say to that..

"It's your decision. You sleep with whoever you want." That was a lie. Oli did not want to say that. In fact he wanted to say the complete opposite of that.

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