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(Enjoy the chapter. Gonna be a little sad, I'll admit.)

It's been days since we have encountered the Hypnobrai and since then we have been training diligently. As promised, I helped the boys with their training but they do well on their own too. I have also been doing some meditation with Wu to get a better understanding of my powers. He had told me that my powers are very formidable, but to control them I need to start small. I can now summon shields at will and even send waves of them with my fans. Wu has yet to tell me about what my powers are exactly, but it's a start.

As for right now, the guys were yelling some quips or stuff they think sound cool, but, in my opinion, are actually pretty lame. I practice with my fans then jump high and avoid the axes easily. I jump again, put away my fans, then land with a hand stand. I see Jay blocking arrows with his nunchucks, Cole taking down some wooden dummies with his scythe, and Kai doing some jabbing motions with his sword before he does Spinjitzu. "Ninja-Go!"

I look at Zane to find him meditating, but then he jumps into action. Literally. He jumps in front of Jay, which distracts him and an arrow gets lodged in the electricity connecting his weapon together. Zane then takes Cole's scythe and slices a dummy with it. "Ninja-Go!" He shouts as he performs Spinjitzu. But he ends up covering the place with ice and I take that as my cue to not be hand-standing anymore. I launch myself onto the porch of the Monastery as I watch Zane freeze the area.

Well. That was something. Maybe I should call him 'Ice King'. "This roof isn't big enough for the five of us." Huh? "Correction. This roof isn't big enough for him." "It's like he's in his own world. I bet he can't even hear us!" I look to find the guys complaining. I walk over to them and find that Zane continues to train despite what the guys said. "He's not hurting anyone. Besides, he just has own way of doing things." I tell them. "(Y/N), I know you're being more open and still new to friendship and everything, but there is still a lot for you to learn." Jay tells me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I give him a raised brow, but I was still wearing my hood so he didn't see it. "Sensei, Zane's.... Weird." Kai says. I look to my left to see Wu has joined us. "What is weird? Someone who is different or someone who is different than you?" Wu responds back. I mean, I know Zane is weird but I don't think there is anything wrong with him. I'm weird and I think the other guys are weird too. So, what's the problem? "No, Sensei. He's weird weird." I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Cole state. "So? I don't see the problem." I say. The boys only stare at me then Jay pats my shoulder.

After that, we melted the ice and watch Zane as he bows at a wooden dummy but got whacked on the head. The guys and I took off our hoods as well. "We like the guy, he's really smart. He's just...a little off sometimes." Kai says, trying not to sound mean. "Zane is a brother and brothers are often different. I should know." Wu wisely says. Right. Garmadon. Even if he is evil, Wu had told me he could never hate his brother no matter what he does. And speaking of brothers, I guess the guys are still getting use to each other just as I am to them. I look back at Zane as he continues to 'spar' with the dummy.

A loud gong was heard and I pull my fans out in alert. "Mail!" The three exclaim happily. Oh, yeah, that was the doorbell. I put my fans away, feeling a little awkward. Maybe I should do some more meditation. I watch as the guys got mail; Jay got one from his parents, Kai got a fan letter, and Cole got a letter from his father and a package that is a treat for Rocky. He runs off to give it to his large, scaly companion.

I look over at Zane to find him with a sad expression on his face. I walk over to him and lay my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask him. Zane looks at me and was about to answer, "Hey, Zane, how come you never hear from your parents?" Jay asks. "I don't remember my parents. I've been an orphan all of my life." He responds. What? He never knew his parents? I never knew my parents. The thought made me sad that Zane was alone before he came to live at the Monastery. Like me. "You mean you never had a home?" I hear Kai ask, Zane only shakes his head. I remove my hand from his shoulder and look to ground, sorrowfully, "I.... I never really knew my parents either. I was at an left an orphanage and I left it when I was nine-years-old." I admit softly to him.

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