Part 2 ~ From Slumber, She Awakens To A Sense Of Danger

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~ Previously... ~

Koishi-chan is a seemingly ordinary youkai girl who admires talking a walk every once in a while.

Koishi Komeiji, who chose to take a walk to the Misty Lake under the bright sunset for who knows what reason, decided then she would catch some fish for her family back in the Palce of the Earth Spirits.

And so, her adventure begins.

Perhaps her carefree and cheerful antics alone are enough to stop a possible madness from spreading contagiously.

Or perhaps not.

Anyway, here Koishi Komeiji can be seen crouching by a lovely flowerbed, which was not too far from the Misty Lake.

She remembered how her skirt was designed with nature-like and flowery patterns.

She always thought she was the kind of person to wander in a beautiful garden, or generally a place filled with nature and flowers. "Wow, wow~! These are really pretty flowers~♡!"

 "Wow, wow~! These are really pretty flowers~♡!"

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She picked up a random flower. "Since it's a mere pretty flower, I'll do a bit of flower fortune-telling for a bit between me and onee-chan~♡..."

Thus, started slowly picking out the petals. "Onee-chan..."


"... loves me~♡..."


"... hates me."


"Loves me~♡..."


"... hates me."


"Loves me~♡..."


"...hates me."


"Loves me~♡..." Koishi fiddled gently with one last petal, before proceeding to pull it out.

Only not to do so and pull her own fingers away from the little flower. "Okay! I'm bored now. I think that settles it already. Of course onee-chan loves me, and I love her, too~♡! I don't need to check it too much at all."

Afterwards, Koishi stood up from the ground, preparing to leave the flowerbed. "Now then..."


Koishi Komeiji's Adventure To Stopping The Madness ~ Touhou KKHTA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now