Part 16 ~ Emissary's Love Awakening For Pure-Hearted Lunarian Princess

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~ The Bamboo Forest of the Lost. ~

Reisen Udongein Inaba rushed immediately into the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, farther deep into the location of Eintei.

Panting breathily, she follows behind an energetic Tewi Inaba who was leading right to their master, Miss Eirin Yagokoro.

Not only that, but Reisen was leading someone as well, who appeared to be that of the Hakurei shrine maiden herself, together with the legendary gap youkai Yukari Yakumo who joined alongside.

It would be about time once the frantic search party passed by the wandering Lunarian princess of eternity, Kaguya Houraisan.

It would be about time once the frantic search party passed by the wandering Lunarian princess of eternity, Kaguya Houraisan

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Noticing their rushing pace, Kaguya was confused.

"Ara...? Tewi? Reisen? The shrine maiden and the gap youkai as well? My, my, whatever is going on?" Kaguya muttered in a soft, clueless tone.

Tewi Inaba spun on her heel and hopped to face her.

"We're going to speak to Master Eirin, quick, quickly~!" Tewi giggled playfully, before twirling back in front again and skipping forward.

"K-Kaguya-sama!..." Reisen gasped through her uneasy surprise. "DAMMIT, S-STOP RUNNING SO FAST FOR A SEC, TEWI!"

"Why would you wish to attend to Eirin? Has she called you to do some errands, of some sort? Something so important that even the shrine maiden and the gap youkai are involved?" Kaguya asked worriedly.

Reisen halted in her tracks, fully facing the Lunarian princess with an urgent look.

"N-No, t-that's not it, P-Princess Kaguya! Madness is upon us! Gensokyo might be doomed for once thanks to a possible plan from the Lunarians and Lord Tsukuyomi himself! To save Gensokyo, we must convince Eirin-sama who has once worked together with Lord Tsukuyomi to avoid anything like that happening!"

This time Reimu Hakurei would join in on the conversation.

This time Reimu Hakurei would join in on the conversation

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