Part 6 ~ A Friendship Awakens, Stepping Out To A New Heartthrobbing Adventure

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~ The Next Day... ~

"And this is another doll I accidentally broke apart and spilled out all its stuffing." said Flandre Scarlet, showing a Flowey toy defeated in pieces.

"The little flower even looks so sad! Flowers are beautiful

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"The little flower even looks so sad! Flowers are beautiful. They surround you like a garden and have a nice scent." Koishi Komeiji replied, as she spoke with the blonde vampire.

Both younger sisters had now rested beside each other on the bed, still within the dark and shadowy basement.

Speaking of the basement room, it was in a torn mess. A few graze burns on the wall, some shattered furniture and ripped out toys, some cracks on the bedroom floor...

You know, an average little girl's usual bedroom.

Well, if there actually were two little girls, and both of had just battled in that same exact basement with multiple spells and an individual use of their dangerous power against each other.

Flandre nearly won in the end, thanks to her destructive power. Koishi was still almost immune to her opponent's ability, what with her disappearing in and out of the subconscious.

When she actually did so, Koishi realized that Flandre's subconsciousness was not too different from her own.

A little crazy, but still a lonely child deep down.

Anyway, both Koishi and Flandre laid on the bed, resting on their stomachs, with half their upper body poking upwards and their legs dangling/swaying back and forth.

"Although I feel like that little flower still got what he deserved

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"Although I feel like that little flower still got what he deserved. Trying to attack its player and all that." Koishi had a sudden thought, tapping her chin with her finger lightly.

Koishi Komeiji's Adventure To Stopping The Madness ~ Touhou KKHTA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now