Chapter one

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The cold wind hit his face as he ran. The gray faces and murderous looks of those who walked past made the burning pain just more horrible. Everyone was so petrified, just so quiet. He ran along the bridge and across the road. "Stop  it!" he yelled when someone attacked him. "I didn't do it, i swear!" he screamed. "I did nothing!" he begged and got down on his knees, crying. "You are sinful! You murdered your mother and almost burned the church! King should kick you and your brothers out of the whole village!" an old man scolded. A tear ran down on his cheek. He could accept that he was blamed of almost burning the curch but blaming him and brothers of their dead mom was just simply too much.

He got up from his knees. Face covered in dirt and tears could have been full of anger at how he was treated, but instead he just choked back his tears. "You are a sinful boy!" same old man blamed. He turned his face away. "It is not my fault that i got a life like this!" he yelled finally. The man looked shocked. "You can't blame God from your own mistakes!" he heard scolding around him. "I didn't do any of this, neither did my brothers! I am not able to change that mom died! Not even about the candel falling at the curch! I did not could choose how my father was, that i don't even know who he is! Don't you see how blindy you are blaming us even though there is no any proof for anything? You are blaming us because we are orphans and poor! Isn't it so easy to blame us because of that? No we are not innocent but to this, hell yeah we are!" he yelled and wiped tears to sleeve. Finally men got quiet, heard the truth.

Old man looked at him, speechless. "You and your brothers are sinful boys and everyone knows it. Listen boy, why can't you just admit that you killled your mother?" man asked uninterested about what he said. The old man finally took his step to leave. Goodbye.

He closed his eyes before he started to run again. He was was not sure did he runaway from the village or from himself anymmore. "Hey kid! How's your mom?" other boys of the village bullied but he couldn't hear anything else than his own breathing. He didn't want to hear anything else.

Clothes got dirty when he ran through a puddle of water. The road was full of mud but he was already used to it. The forest seemed to be humming an out-of-tune lullaby as he slowed down to walk along the rickety forest road. Sleeve got wet when he wiped his last tears to it and looked at the small home he and his brothers had left.

A wooden fence creaked when he opened it and stepped on their home plot that was on a small hill, far away from everything, far away from hating people. The sun had gone down a long time ago but he luckily could still make his way to the front door.

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