Chapter three

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Tristan walked into their home. "Where is the letter?" he asked. "And what is it about?" Tristan finished and looked at his brothers. "Dude! We might get a job!" Elliot told and held the letter in his hand. "From where?" Elijah asked. "From the small shop", Elliot told others. "I can go", Filiph said suddenly. Boys looked at him. "Hey kid, we know that you want to help us but you are a bit too young to have a job", Jacob said gently to his little brother and patted his head. "Yeah, let us handle it", Tristan said while smiling. "Yeah, you see, i am the oldest in here Filiph. I will do the job", Elijah said. "We need you at the farm though", Jacob interputted. "Maybe i can take the job", Tristan said.

"Are you sure Tris, you are only 15?" Elliot asked. "You three handle the farm, small shop can't be so bad", Tristan said warpping his hands on his chest. "Glad you are enough old to handle yourself buddy", Tristan chuckled and petted Filiph's hair. All the 5 of them laughed.

"Anyway, i'll go take a shower now", Tristan sighed. "Alright, i'll come after you", Jacob decided. Tristan nodded and left the room.

After the shower Tristan sat down by the fireplace. "Tris, do you want to eat something?" Elijah asked. "Nah, leave it for Elliot", Tristan said, knowing there was no enough food for both of them. "Alright. Filiph, take your soup", Jacob said and gave a hot bowl to Filiph who looked like hi was wondering something very deep. "Ay, wake up", Elliot said to Filiph and snapped his fingers. "Oh, sorry", Filiph said and started to eat.

Tristan looked at the fire, thinking about his mother. The last words he heard from her. Tristan closed his eyes, he didn't want to cry next to his brothers. Everyone knew that he was strong, he had to be.

"I think it's my time to go to bed", he said. "Are you ok Tristan?" Jacob asked. "Yeah i'm fine", Tristan whispered to him. "Yea, well come talk to us if you can't sleep", Tristan heard the answer. "Alright", he mumbled. "I'll go take a look at the farm, birds like it a bit too much", Elijah, Tristan's mental support said and left from the house.

Tristan climbed up the stairs to the second floor. That was where they all slept in. The second floor was just a one big room full of bunk bed's, the roof was so down that the one in the top bed could almost hit their head. "It's so dark in here", Tristan whispered to himself. "Oh hey", he said and got down on his knees. Their cat walked to him, Tristan petted it with a smile on his face. "Well, at least i don't have to be alone in here."

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