Chapter twenty-one

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Tristan walked around the new village with boiling anxiety inside of him. Every person who walked past him knew that he absolutely was not one of them. It made Tristan feel left out but he had strenght to keep looking for the river, thought of Keith being there feeling okay made him stronger.

"Keith!" Tristan called but there was no answer, just an empty road. "Tris!?" someone yelled. "Keith!" Tristan yelled now even louder and started to run towards the voice. "Tristan!" the person who maybe was Keith yelled and after some time Tristan found the him. It really was Keith. "Keith! Oh thank lord your okay!" Tristan yelled and hugged Keith tightly. Keith chuckled and hugged Tristan back. "Missed me?" Keith asked.

Before Tristan could answer his brothers ran to the two of them too. "Keith! Good to see you man!" Elijah said and tried to catch his brrath. He had run the whole time looking for Keith or the river. Acutally, the beautiful river was now just behind them. "Are you ok?" Filiph asked and looked at Tristan worried but happily. "I am", Keith said with a smile. "You must have walked a long time. Come. I have a place that has food and water", Keith noticed. Everyone went after him.

The boys ended up into a small house. "Here, eat as much as you can. And water too", Keith said and pointed at the table. Everyone else but Tristan was eating. Tristan felt too guilty to eat. "Are you ok Tristan?" Keith asked. "Yeah", Tris lied and walked outside.

It took less than three seconds for Keith to run after Tristan. "Man, what's going on?" Keith asked. They were sitting on the stairs. "I don't know", Tris lied and shook his head as a sign that he didn't want to talk. "Tris, you can tell me", Keith promised and patted Tristan's back like a good brother would do. "I just feel guilty from mom's dead. I miss her. I almost got you killed. God! I am a bad person Keith! This is all my fault!" Tristan admitted and then hid his face with hands. "I hate myself", he cried and started sobbing.

"It's not your fault Tristan. Your mom didn't die because of you. And it's not your fault that i almost got killed. How could you have known how angry my father is."

Tris sighed and looked at the sky. "Well. I still want to apolige, i'm sorry", he said. "And whatever reason your apoliging for i forgive you", Keith said. Tristan smiled.

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