Chapter twenty

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The floor was as hard as a rock. "Damn my back hurts", Jacob mumbled as he woke up. Tristan woke up too. "Try to stretch a little", Tristan told Jacob. Everyone else woke up too. "Let's keep moving", Elijah said. Everyone else was talking but Tristan was deeply in his thoughts. He felt bad and guilty wearing Keith's shirt but at the same time there was no other choises. "Where do we go now?" Tristan asked and walked out of the door.

The boys walked for hours again, they were hungry and thirsty but at least they weren't dead by now. That gave some hope to keep going even when Elijah hurted his ankle badly. Luckily it didn't got broken.

"We have to find a village. We can't keep going without food or water anymore", Filiph said and wiped his face. "Damn.. How can Keith survive? I mean he has a horse", Elliot remembered and looked slightly more relaxed. "Yeah. Horse is a fast animal", Elijah supported Elliot's idea of Keith being safe in another village. "I really need to see that before i can belive it", Tristan said. He didn't want to be hopless but he was about to drown into his own thoughts. Just then he noticed how much he acutally cared about Keith, how much Keith meant to him.

It took some hours but eventually the boys managed to find a village. "Omg! Is that a house?" Elijah asked. "Yes! Even better! There is many houses, our village is there!" Filiph said. Everyone was so happy that they could have jumped of excitment.

They knocked on a strangers door. "Good evening", Elliot started. "We have travelled a long time from home. Would you mind telling us what is the name of this place? We are lost", he said and smiled. "Yes of course! You have came into Forest field. Weird how many people get lost in here", an old, but very kind man said. "Do you mean that someone else came here?" Tristan asked. Old man was smiling. "Yes yes. They got to the lake a whille ago to help us", the man explained. "Do you remember their name?" Tristan interputted. "It started with a letter.. I don't remember, old man's memory."

Tristan smiled. "It's all right. We will go now and thank you for all the help!" Elijah thanked kindly. The man waved them good bye and closed the door.

"Are you thinking the same i am?" Tristan asked. "I do", Filiph said. "Keith might be here", he said. "Let's split up. This is a small village we won't get lost", Filiph said. "That's true. Let's look for our prince."

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