Chapter ten

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"But that's not fair! It's impossible!" Elijah yelled and held his head because of the big amount of stress that Tristan's bad news sent. "Is that the reason the king sent his boy to safe us from the crazy villagers that day?" Filiph asked. Boys turned to look at him. "I'm afraid that your right", Jacob sighed. "Why would they want our land? It's not even special!" Elliot said. "I'm afraid that it's because we are the most hated boys in here", Tristan mumbled and fixed his hair.

"What are our savings?" Filiph asked. Elijah who took care of the family's money sighed. "We have only 50 £ to use in three weeks. There is no way we can pay", he said. "That's shitty", Elliot whispered. "I should work 5 years in the shop before we would be even a little closer", Tristan said and closed his eyes.

"What should we do?" Filiph asked. "Give up", Elijah said quietly. "We have to give away our land", he mumbled. "Do you want to be homeless man!?" Elliot yelled. "Science when we have started giving up!? This is our father's land!" he continued. "We don't even know our father!" Tristan yelled and ran outside. I can't fucking take this!

Tristan decided to take a run in the forest to calm down. He started running until he was out of breath and his body was shaking because of trideness. For a while Tristan just stood there breathing in and out.

After 5 minutes of standing still he was about to continue his way to home but he fell because of a rock on his way. His knee started bleeding but he just wiped the blood away and started walking instead.

"Yo what happened to you?" Elijah asked Tristan when he finally walked in. "Did you fall?" Elliot asked and looked at Tristan's injured knee. "Yeah. I was running", Tristan said. Brothers nodded and Filiph gave Tristan a bandage. "Thanks", Tristan mumbled and cleaned up the cut with alcohol, they didn't have anything else to use. "Who's staying up for the night?" Filiph asked. "I can", Tristan said and sighed while putting on the bandage. "You have to go to the town tomorrow to ask for the place in store", Elijah reminded. "Yeah, i know. And i will still stay up the night. It can't be that bad", Tristan answered. "I'll take a shower", Filiph ended the convo.

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