Chapter nineteen

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It took hours to find a place to sleep in. A small abandonded house stood strongly on the field. "Should we check it out?" Jacob whispered. "No time to think. It will rain soon", Filiph said and pointed at the dark sky. "That's true", weak Tristan said. Plus he had some hope for Keith being in the house too, but nothing was sure at that point.

Tristan stepped in, he could walk on his own again. He searched everywhere but there was no sign of Keith being around. "This place is fucked up", Elliot whispered. "Are you scared?" Jacob asked suprised. "If they find us, we are dead, just think about it", Elliot reminded. Jacob went quiet. "Are we going to freeze to death?" Elijah asked. "No, i don't think so. It's summer."

Elijah just raised his arms. "Let's go sleep upstairs. That way they can't find us so fast", Tristan said. "And we can escape trough the window if need", he continued. Everyone decided that it was a good idea. "Hey! There's some sofas in here!" Elijah yelled happily as he already had found his way to the room.

"That's great. Filiph go on a sofa", Elijah said as Filiph was the youngest and others always wanted to make sure he was protected. "Okay", Filiph said, he really was too tired to even complain. And complains were worth nothing when we talked about his brothers.

"I'll sleep on the floor", Tristan said. "No way!" Elijah yelled. "No, i'll survive. Trust me."

After all this, you don't deserve love Tristan..

"I'll sleep on the floor too", Jacob said and took a small space from the corner of the room. "I can sleep on the other sofa with Elliot", Elijah accepted his fate. Elliot smirked and Elijah slapped him on the face. Everyone laughed, Elliot as well. "No homo", Elijah said.

The floor was cold and hard but after some spinning and sighs Tristan managed to fall asleep. His last thought was Keith, alone, scared and hurt. A tear ran down on his cheeck. "You'll be fine", Tristan promised in his head. I'll sacrifice my life for that, friend.

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