Chapter thirteen

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"You have to promise that you won't tell anyone", Tristan whispered to Keith when they walked towards the house. "Your secret is safe with me. But promise me you will get those cleaned up", Keith whispered back. "Fine. I guess we are fine then."

"You know, your a nice person Tristan", Keith said suddenly. Tristan stopped walking. "What?" he asked confused. "You treat me like a normal person you know", Keith said, he smiled. "Oh", Tristan said. "Do you want to be friends then?" he wondered. "That's fine by me", Keith said and opened the door. "Alright, Keith", Tristan said and made his new friend smile a little. There was no 'your majesty' between them anymore. At least not when they talked normally to eatchother.

Tristan made food for others while his brothers laughed with Keith, somehow Keith still didn't look as relaxed as when he talked to or looked at Tristan. "Sorry, we don't have so special food in here", Tristan mumbled. He felt bad that he could only feed soap to his new friend. Keith didn't look dissapointmed, no, he smiled friendly and took the bowl. "Thank you. This is more than enough", Keith added with a whisper and smile. Tristan looked at him a bit confused but didn't pay too much attention.

It was quiet at the table. "C'mon guys, say something", Keith chuckled and respectfully ate his soup. Brothers looked at eachoter. It  started with Elliot and Filiph whispering with eachother and ended up with everyone laughing and some even singing together. Keith smiled brightly when he watched Tristan smiling, Tristan looked back at Keith suddenly and was the one to break the eye contact with a soft and careful smile.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here", Keith thanked Tristan at the door. "It's alright. Your always welcome", Tristan mumbled. Keith smiled brightly. "Can i ask you something?" Tristan asked when Keith was already sitting on his horse. "Of course", Keith  accepted. "Why did you help me?" Tris asked. "If someone had seen you helping me the villagers would go crazy."

Keith smiled softly, his eyes full of caring. "Your a person Tristan. You are not a 'sinful boy' i know you and your brothers did nothing bad. And i care about you", Keith said and suddenly left.

Tris stood there. All he was capable doing was just to think about Keith's words.

He dosen't care Tristan. You killed your mother. She died because of you. She killed herself because of you.

Tris looked around and held his head.

You can try to lie yourself Tris, but i know the real truth.

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